ctcLink Communications Toolkit
Find inspiration, ideas and materials from your fellow ctcLink colleges.
Some resources require a log-in or are College-Access Only.
Sherry Nelson
IT Communications Manager
Idea Center
From presentations to ctcLink mascots, your colleagues have great ideas.
Below are public-facing pages that illustrate the variety of local approaches to communicate about ctcLink with prospective and current students, staff and faculty. Some colleges have intranet and password-protected resources for employees and students.
- Bates Technical College ctcLink
- Bellevue College ctcLink
- Bellingham Technical College ctcLink
- Big Bend Community College ctcLink
- Centralia College ctcLink - includes Spanish translation / incluye traducción al español
- Clark College ctcLink
- Columbia Basin College ctcLink
- Edmonds College ctcLink
- Everett Community College ctcLink
- Green River College ctcLink
- Highline College ctcLink
- Lake Washington Institute of Technology LionsLink
- Lower Columbia College ctcLink (includes links to major campus updates)
- Peninsula College ctcLink
- Pierce Colleges ctcLink
- Renton Technical College ctcLink
- Seattle Colleges ctcLink
- Shoreline Community College ctcLink
- Skagit Valley College ctcLink
- South Puget Sound Community College ctcLink
- Tacoma Community College ctcLink
- Walla Walla Community College WarriorLink
- Wenatchee Valley College ctcLink
- Yakima Valley College ctcLink
- Deployment Groups
- ctcLink Quality Gates & Project Phases
- More timelines at cDR (requires cDR log-in)
The ctcLink Project Charter was revised October 2018 and outlines the project objectives, benefits, guiding principles and overall scope of the project. It reflects the updated project methodology, approach, governance model, schedule, budget and staffing plan, as part of the re-planning and project restart efforts that began in late 2017 under the guidance of a new project director.
The charter detailed the revised governance and decision-making structure and formally empowered the ctcLink Project Director to restart/continue the project. It gave the Project Director full authority to execute the project activities and oversee all aspects of the project including budget, staffing, schedule and deliverables, as well as managing the project to scope.