ctcLink Quality Gates & Milestones (Historical)
Historical ctcLink Project Information
ctcLink Quality Gates & Milestones
Large projects can exceed time and budget because issues are not visible to management. By monitoring the quality of project results and steering a project through certain major milestones or “Quality Gates,” such issues can be mitigated or avoided.
Quality Gates are key milestone moments at each of the multiple phases of a project that depend on the outcome of a previous phase.
Organizational Change Management (OCM) assessment
In the ctcLink Project methodology, OCM assessments occur at each of five milestones — Initiation, Structure, Construct, Transition, Deploy — to assess college and SBCTC activities and deliverables to determine readiness.
Phases and gates
Preparatory work and readiness activities were required of each college and SBCTC in advance of beginning its deployment phase toward Go-Live.
Activities and deliverables were checked at each Quality Gate against predefined criteria and metrics. A college could not proceed to the next gate until the previous gate is assessed.