If you have questions about financial aid, call the financial aid office at the college of your choice.

You can also contact Student Financial Assistance at the Washington Student Achievement Council at finaid@wsac.wa.gov or 888-535-0747.

Quality Education at an Affordable Cost

Washington state community and technical colleges offer the best educational values around. Our tuition and fees are much less than at public four-year universities. You'll save thousands for classes that transfer to universities or prepare you for a career.

Tuition and Fees

The following tuition and fees are set by the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges and apply to all 34 colleges. Every college also charges campus-based fees, like technology fees or lab fees. Visit the tuition and fees page at the college of your choice for more complete cost information.

Quarterly Tuition and Fees

Lower Division Tuition
2024-25 Tuition* Resident Nonresident
One Quarter (15 credits) $1,591 $3,637
Academic Year (3 quarters/45 credits total) $4,772 $10,911
* Rounded to the nearest dollar

 Upper Division/Bachelor's Degrees
2024-25 Tuition*  Resident Nonresident
One quarter (15 credits) $2,540 $7,025
Academic year (3 quarters/45 credits total) $7,620 $21,074
* Rounded to the nearest dollar

Tuition Waivers

Students who meet certain criteria may be eligible for tuition waivers to help pay for college. These tuition waivers vary by campus, so check with your college's Registration Office. Some waiver examples are Oregon border county residents, military veterans and senior citizens.

Calculate Your College Costs

Tuition and fees are just part of the cost of going to college. Students also need to pay class fees, books, supplies and other related expenses. Net price calculators can help you estimate how much you'll pay to attend a college after financial aid is factored in.