Economic Development
Colleges offer affordable, customized training through SBCTC grant and loan programs for current and future employees.
Fueling the Economy
Washington's 34 community and technical colleges work together to create a powerful force in the state's economy. Our colleges work closely with employers to connect what students learn in the classroom with the skills employers need from current and future employees. Those relationships result in a long-lasting education that benefits students, families, employers and the entire economy.
According to a 2016 economic impact study, Washington’s community and technical colleges, their students and their former students add $20.5 billion annually to the state’s economy.
Business Partnerships
Our colleges partner with local business and emerging industries to react quickly in our dynamic 21st century global economy. Colleges train students for high-demand, high-wage jobs and respond quickly to fill workforce needs.
Advisory Committees
Every college job-training program has an advisory committee made up of employers and skilled workers. These committees keep colleges up-to-date on industry and workforce needs, employment forecasts, industry trends and new technologies.
Customized Training
Our colleges not only provide training in specific fields of study. They also provide customized, affordable short-term training for individual businesses. Employees can learn at colleges or at the work site with costs offset by tax breaks or matching funds.
Centers of Excellence
Ten Centers of Excellence connect businesses to flexible, high-caliber programs that can be deployed quickly. Each center focuses on a targeted industry that drives the state's economy.
Employers Count on Us
United Parcel Service
Faced with a wave of retirements, UPS counts on Washington’s community and technical colleges to train candidates who can fill positions and promote within the organization.
TigerStop relies on Washington’s community and technical colleges to prepare employees for the highly technical manufacturing industry, the backbone of America’s middle class.
As part of Washington’s fast-growing digital industry, Seven2 looks to community and technical colleges for people trained in the latest technologies.
Fluid Motion
Fluid Motion values Washington’s community and technical colleges for filling skill gaps in the fast growing marine manufacturing industry.
The agricultural industry has changed over the past 50 years. ConAgra partners with Washington state community and technical colleges to grow talent for this increasingly high-tech industry.
P & J Machining, Inc.
P & J Machining looks to its local community and technical colleges in Washington state for work-ready graduates for high-demand, well-paying advanced manufacturing careers.