This page, or its linked-to content, may only be available to college system staff.

Idea Center

College communications and ctcLink work teams have generously shared their communications tools and materials to help their colleagues in other deployment groups.

Some resources require a ctcLink Document Repository (cDR) log-in for college-only access. Learn more about cDR access.

Stakeholder Communications

Tools and Templates

From section 2.B.2.b. Website in the ctcLink Student Communication Resource Guide

Colleges should prepare an inventory of all places that mention the Legacy student information system. Each page and related documents should then be updated with ctcLink information and instructions. The only exception is departments or functions that will be dual processing at the time of go-live. In these cases, departments will need to make sure accurate information is on the website.

Below is list of keywords Edmonds College used to search its college websites for any processes, forms and pages that needed to be edited or updated due to ctcLink.