Revolving Funds
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Central Service Agency Charges
Revolving fund charges cover the cost of state centralized services and are paid by the SBCTC accounting office on behalf of the college districts. Just prior to the close of the fiscal year, these charges and funds to cover them are transferred from SBCTC records to the districts' records:
- Attorney General Fees are allocated based on actual attorney hours reported by the Attorney General’s office.
- State Auditor charges are allocated based on actual audits conducted by the Office of the State Auditor during the fiscal year.
- Secretary of State Archives charges are for the preservation of valuable state historical documents and the records management center. The cost of this service is charged to all state agencies. Allocations are based on budgeted GF-S student FTES.
Department of Enterprise Services (DES)
- Real Estate Services and Public and Historical Facilities:
- Real estate services: Covers the cost to perform lease renewals for agencies that occupy non-state owned facilities
- Public and historical: Covers the building costs, visitor services, utilities and a basic level of custodial and maintenance services for public and historical spaces and monuments around the Capitol campus.
- Perry Street Daycare: The facility costs (debt service, utilities, maintenance and operations, etc.)
- DES Risk Management: Administration charges as it pertains to claims administration and commercial insurance services.
- Enterprise Application Fee: Staff that support DES' enterprise applications have transferred from CTS to DES. The cost to support these staff was removed from CTS Enterprise Systems Fee and transferred to DES as a new allocation.
- Campus Contracts: The cost of campus contracts (WSP campus security, Olympia Fire Department fire suppression, and elevator maintenance).
- Self-Insurance Premium: Covers tort claim judgments arising from general liability and vehicle accidents.
Consolidated Technology Services (CTS)
- Enterprise Services: Fees cover printing, processing and mailing of warrants; cost of AFRS and related systems; financial systems fee; and budget, policy, reporting systems fee. Services are allocated to all state agencies based on budgeted FTEs.
- Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO): Sets information technology (IT) policy and direction for the State of Washington.
Office of Financial Management (OFM)
- Central Services: The Legislative budget shifted OFM's Budget, Accounting and Forecasting services, as well as the Governor's policy office, from GF-S into a new central service charge.
- ERP Financing (Enterprise Resource Planning): The State of Washington is creating a strategy and action plan, refining the business case, and assessing state agency readiness to replace the state's core financial systems with an Enterprise Resource Planning Solution. (ERP).
- Enterprise Applications Fee- Funding to cover statewide forecasting systems owned by OFM.