I-BEST information for students


In the I-BEST program, team-teaching occurs not just in the classroom, but also in the planning process. A collaborative planning process integrates learning outcomes and assessments. (I-BEST stands for Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training.)

Writing Quality Integrated Learning Outcomes

Are you planning to team-teach an I-BEST class? Follow these steps with the other instructor.

Setting resources aside for the moment, write a first draft of outcomes by responding to this question: “What should students be able to do in work at the completion of this I-BEST program?”

  • Begin by individually brainstorming responses to the question. You may use a white board, chart paper or post-it notes to write ideas. Every idea matters!
  • Every statement that responds to the question should begin with an action verb.
  • When the brainstorm is complete, combine like items and form complex skill statements about what students should be able to do upon completion of the program.
  • Write outcomes to describe student learning and performance, not teaching strategies, and share those outcomes with students. Make sure language is clear and easy to understand.

Sample worksheet: Create Integrated Learning Outcomes.

Once you're satisfied with the written learning outcomes, map or outline any available adult education and/or professional and technical standards that support each outcome. Rewrite or add outcomes that may be needed based upon standards.

Sample worksheet: Match Available Standards That Support Integrated Learning Outcomes.

Defining assessment strategies is critical to writing and implementing quality integrated learning outcomes.

Respond to the following assessment questions for each integrated learning outcome.

  • How will we know that students are able to perform outcomes?
  • What tools or strategies will explicitly measure each student’s outcomes performance?
  • What criteria or indicators will tell us that students have performed outcomes well?
  • How will we give each student feedback regarding his or her performance of outcomes?

Sample worksheet: Assess Integrated Learning Outcomes.

If necessary, rewrite outcomes based upon responses to the questions above.

Sample worksheet: Revise Integrated Learning Outcomes.

Ask at least three people to review the learning outcomes. They should know nothing about adult education or the professional and technical program. That way, they can identify jargon, passive language or language needing clarification. It would be wise to include a:

  • student
  • graduate
  • advisory group member
  • employer
  • colleague

Now you are off to develop lessons, activities and materials that help students learn critical information and practice skills to reach outcomes.