ctcLink Accounting Manual | 10.30.20 Funds
10.30.20 Funds
The following are the funds currently used in ctcLink. See SAAM 75.30.50 and 75.30.60 for a complete list of fund account codes used by the State of Washington. See section 10.20.20 of this manual for fund classification and fund type codes.
Funds are subject to change (additions/deletions) by Legislative or OFM actions.
Treasury Account (T)
Has cash on deposit in and under the control of the State Treasurer. Treasury accounts are subject to appropriation unless specifically exempted.
Local Account (L)
Has cash on deposit in a local bank account under the control of the college. The local bank must be an approved public depository as designated by the Public Deposit Protection Commission. Local accounts are not appropriated.
Treasury Trust Account
Is not always required by law to be within the treasury, but is placed in the custody of the State treasurer. Treasury Trust Accounts are not always subject to appropriation. Currently, Fund 743-Faculty Awards Trust (SBCTC only) is the only Treasury Trust account used by the CTC system. This fund has been inactive for a number of years.
Fund budget types determine the degree to which a fund is subject to expenditure authority (permission to disburse moneys or incur liabilities through allocation or approval of unanticipated receipts) or allotment control.
- Appropriated (A) – Require legislative authority to make expenditures from designated resources during a specified period (annual or biennial).
- Budgeted (B) (Non-appropriated/Allotted) – Legislative authority is not required to make expenditures but the college systems must create a spending plan (allotment) subject to OFM’s approval.
- Higher Education Special (N) – These non-appropriated/non-allotted funds do not require legislature authority to make expenditures.
ctcLink uses three different fund types to allow college accounting data to convert correctly for AFRS:
- AFRS Fund Type Code (Cash Types). AFRS fund type codes assist in the conversion of the cash accounts in ctcLink to the
correct cash type in AFRS (as an example, all cash entries in treasury funds are converted
to in-process GLs).
- Treasury Funds (Appropriated/Allotted) (T)
- Treasury Trust Funds (T)
- Local Funds (L)
- Local Government Investment Pool (not used by ctcLink)
- Non-Cash (not used by ctcLink)
- ctcLink Fund Type. ctcLink fund types allow the system to control the type of entries permitted in each fund. See CLAM
- EFT Fund Type. A value for each fund exists, indicating whether the transactions are state (Treasury held funds) or local. These values are primarily used in the creation of payroll EFT transactions. CLAM
The fund classification matrix below shows the funds used by the community and technical colleges and their respective classifications (refer also to SAAM 75.30 for OFM classifications).
ctcLink Fund | AFRS Fund | Title | OFM Category | AFRS Fund Type | ctcLink Fund Type | AFRS Cash Type | Budget Type |
001 | 001 | State General Fund | Governmental | General Fund | 1 | T | A |
057 | 057 | St Building Construction Acct | Governmental | Capital Projects | 1 | T | B |
060 | 060 | Community And Technical College Capital Projects | Governmental | Capital Projects | 1 | T | B |
08A | 08A | Education Legacy Trust | Governmental | Special Revenue | 1 | T | B |
11A | 11A | Employment Training Finance | Governmental | Special Revenue | 1 | T | B |
145 | 145 | Grants | Governmental | Special Revenue | 3 | L | B |
146 | 145 | Contracts | Governmental | Special Revenue | 3 | See Fund 145 | |
147 | 147 | Higher Ed Local Plant Acct | Governmental | Special Revenue | 3 | L | N(1) |
148 | 148 | Higher Ed Dedicated Local | Governmental | Special Revenue | 3 | L | N |
149 | 149 | Higher Ed Operating Fees Acct | Governmental | Special Revenue | 3 | L | B |
20F | 20F | Invest in Washington Account | Governmental | General Fund | 1 | T | A |
23N | 23N | Model Toxics Control Capital Project | Governmental | Special Revenue | 1 | T | B |
24J | 24J | Workforce Investment Acct | Governmental | Special Revenue | 1 | T | B |
26C | 26C | Climate Commitment Capital Project | Governmental | Special Revenue | 1 | T | B |
26V | 26V | Capital Community Assistance Acct (Bellevue ONLY) | Governmental | Special Revenue | 1 | T | B |
253 | 253 | Education Construction Acct | Governmental | Special Revenue | 1 | T | B |
357 | 357 | Gardner-Evans Higher Ed Construction Acct | Governmental | Capital Projects | 1 | T | B |
440 | 440 | Stores | Proprietary | Internal Service | 4 | L | N |
443 | 443 | Data Processing | Proprietary | Internal Service | 4 | L | N |
444 | 443 | SBCTC-IT Control (SBCTC Only) | Proprietary | Internal Service | 4 | See Fund 443 | |
448 | 448 | Printing | Proprietary | Internal Service | 4 | L | N |
450 | 450 | Other Facilities | Proprietary | Internal Service | 4 | L | N |
460 | 460 | Motor Pool | Proprietary | Internal Service | 4 | L | N |
466 | 466 | Statewide IT Development | Governmental | Internal Service | 1 | T* | A |
522 | 522 | Associated Students | Proprietary | Enterprise | 4 | L | N |
524 | 524 | Bookstore | Proprietary | Enterprise | 4 | L | N |
528 | 528 | Parking | Proprietary | Enterprise | 4 | L | N |
561 | 561 | Innovation | Governmental | Special Revenue | 3 | T | B |
569 | 569 | Food Services | Proprietary | Enterprise | 4 | L | N |
570 | 570 | Auxiliary Enterprises | Proprietary | Enterprise | 4 | L | N |
573 | 573 | Housing And Food Services | Proprietary | Enterprise | 4 | L | N |
743 | 743 | Faculty Awards Trust (SBCTC Only) | Governmental | Special Revenue | 3 | T* | N |
790 | 790 | Community College Clearing | Clearing/Suspense | Custodial | 5 | L | N |
840 | 840 | Custodial | Fiduciary | Custodial | 5 | L | N |
843 | 843 | Exceptional Faculty Awards Endowment | Governmental | Permanent | 2 | L | N |
846 | 846 | Grants In Aid | Governmental | Special Revenue | 3 | L | N |
849 | 849 | Student Loan Acct | Governmental | Special Revenue | 3 | L | N |
850 | 850 | Work Study Acct | Governmental | Special Revenue | 3 | L | N |
859 | 859 | Endowment Local Acct | Governmental | Permanent | 2 | L | N |
860 | 860 | Institutional Financial Aid Fund | Governmental | Special Revenue | 3 | L | N |
991 | 991 | NDSL Fund | Governmental | Special Revenue | 3 | See Fund 849 | |
992 | 992 | Nurses Loan Fund | Governmental | Special Revenue | 3 | See Fund 849 | |
993 | 993 | NDSL Fund | Governmental | Special Revenue | 3 | See Fund 849 | |
995 | 995 | NDSL Fund | Governmental | Special Revenue | 3 | See Fund 849 | |
997 | 997 | General Capital Assets Subsidiary | General Capital Assets And LT Obligations | General Capital Assets | 3 | L | N |
999 | 999 | General Long Term Obligations Subsidiary | General Capital Assets And LT Obligations | General Long-Term Obligations | 3 | L | N |
Footnotes: (1) While local capital projects are not appropriated, colleges must receive either approval/expenditure authority by the State Board Trustees or the Legislature, depending on the amount of the capital project. This apply to any local capital project regardless of the fund. |
T* Treasury trust account - see SAAM 75.30.20-2 |
001 State General – Accounts for state general funds appropriated for community and technical college operations.
057 State Building Construction – Appropriated by the Legislature, these funds are generated from the sale of state general obligation bonds to pay for capital projects authorized by bonding authorities.
060 Community and Technical College Capital Projects This is a general fund bond issue and construction account used for deposits of the legally prescribed percentage of general tuition for community and technical colleges, and for the proceeds from the sale of bonds for the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. Refer to RCW 28B.15.069(1).
08A Education Legacy Trust Fund – Used only for deposit into the student achievement fund and for expanding access to higher education through funding for new enrollments and financial aid, and other educational improvement efforts.
11A Employment Training Finance – To provide training assistance to employers locating or expanding in the state. For SBCTC Use Only.
145 Grants and Contracts – Accounts for programs that are funded by a grant or contract from a single external organization, are restricted to use as designated by the grantor, and have an educational mission rather than community service focus.
The source of funds could originate from the following:
- Other state agencies (SBCTC, DSHS, Labor and Industries, ESD, etc.)
- Federal agencies
- Local governments
- Private entities (PACCAR, Boeing, Weyerhaeuser, etc.)
Typical programs that might appear in this fund are:
- Small Business Administration
- Contracted training for a private company
- Work First federal grants
- Perkins federal grants
- BFET federal grants
146 Contracts – Accounts for programs that are funded by a grant or contract from one or more organization, may or may not be restricted to use as designated by the grantor, and have an educational mission rather than community service focus. This fund crosswalks to Fund 145 in AFRS.
The source of funds could originate from the following:
- Other state agencies (SBCTC, DSHS, Labor and Industries, ESD, etc.)
- Federal agencies
- Local governments (cities, counties, school districts, etc.)
- Private entities (PACCAR, Boeing, Weyerhaeuser, etc.)
Typical programs that might appear in this fund are:
- International Contract Programs
- College in the High School
- Running Start
- Contracts that use one class code/department but bill to many organizations
- Overhead accounts (indirect costs collected from grant/contract funds)
147 Local Capital Projects (Plant) – Accounts for revenue from local sources to be expended for capital improvements.
148 Dedicated Local – Accounts for self-sustaining programs, accommodation sales and mandatory student fees.
The source of funds typically originate from two main areas:
- Dedicated revenues – sales of services created as an adjunct to the instruction program; community education programs; and accommodation sales (i.e. sales of dental tools to dental hygiene students).
- Incidental fees – special fees established by the college to cover specific costs such as matriculation, transcribing, testing, etc.
149 Local General – Accounts for general operating expenses, revenue from operating portion of tuition, and interest on investments of fund balance. Fund 149 may be used for any and all program expenses that could otherwise be funded from state general funds (001). NOTE: With very limited exceptions, only revenue source codes 0424 (tuition) and 0401 (interest) are allowed in fund 149.
17C Opportunity Express Account – Used to account for worker retraining programs, training programs administered by labor and management partnerships, industry-prioritized training programs, training programs that facilitate career progression in health care occupations, the opportunity internship program, and the opportunity grant program. For SBCTC use only.
20F Invest in Washington Account – Used for supporting customized training programs, job skills programs, job readiness training, workforce professional development, and to assist employers with state-approved apprenticeship programs for manufacturing and production occupations.
23N Model Toxics Control Capital Project Account – Capital appropriated fund used for the improvement, rehabilitation, remediation, and cleanup of toxic sites.
24J Workforce Education Investment – Accounts for state special revenue funds appropriated for higher education programs, operations, compensation, and state-funded student aid programs.
26C Climate Commitment Capital Project Account – Capital appropriated fund used for programs, activities and projects physically located in Washington State as outlines in RCE 70A.65 as those that reduce and mitigate impacts from greenhouse gases and copollutants in overburdened communities; that deploy renewable energy resources; that increase energy efficiency or reduce greenhouse emissions.
26V Capital Community Assistance Account (Bellevue College only) – Accounts for the Allocation of contingency and inflation funds for Bellevue College Center for Transdisciplinary Learning and Innovation.
253 Education Construction – Colleges periodically receive capital appropriations from this emergency reserve for school and higher education construction. (RCW 43.135.045)
357 Gardner-Evans Higher Education Construction Account - Used to account for capital improvements for institutions of higher education.
440 Stores – Accounts for expenditures and revenues to provide supplies to other units of the college on a self-sustaining basis.
443 Data Processing – Accounts for expenditures and revenues generated by providing data processing services to other units of the college on a reimbursement basis.
444 SBCTC-IT Control Fund – Accounts for revenues and expenditures of the SBCTC-IT. Rolls up to fund 443 in AFRS. (SBCTC use only)
448 Printing Fund – Accounts for revenues and expenditures generated from providing printing supplies and services to other units of the college on a reimbursement basis.
450 Other Facilities – Accounts for revenues and expenditures generated from providing services and supplies not otherwise covered to other units of the college on a reimbursement basis.
460 Motor Pool – Accounts for revenues and expenditures generated from providing transportation services to other units of the college on a reimbursement basis.
466 Statewide IT Development (SBCTC Only) – Accounts for appropriations, assessments and expenditures For the development and acquisition of enterprise information technology systems.
489 Pension Funding Stabilization Account - For the payment of state government employer retirement contributions for members. Inactive beginning with 2021-23 biennium.
522 Associated Students – Accounts for the revenues and expenditures associated with locally approved student body activities. Local college governing boards shall distribute all student Services and Activities fees and student approved additional fee collections to this fund, under authority of Chapter 28B.15.069(2) RCW.
528 Parking – Accounts for the revenues and expenditures associated with the business of providing parking services.
561 CTC Innovation – Used to implement the college board’s strategic technology plan to improve strategic technology plan to improve student achievement, student services, and increase system wide administrative efficiencies.
569 Food Services – Accounts for the revenues and expenditures associated with the business of providing cafeteria services to students.
570 Auxiliary Enterprises – Those self-sustaining activities that are not related to the educational mission of the college, but have a community theme relating to or of a cultural or recreational nature. The source of funds is primarily user fees.
Typical programs that might appear in this fund are:
- Art galleries
- Parent cooperative
- Tour group programs
- Concert bands
- Sports camps
- Fund raising
- Seminars
573 Housing and Food Services – Accounts for the revenue and expenditures associated with the business of operating local housing and food services for students.
743 Faculty Awards Trust Fund – Accounts for funds appropriated by the legislature for exceptional faculty awards program and invested by the State Treasurer. Only the SBCTC has activity in this fund.
790 Community College Clearing – Consists of balances of funds held by colleges in trust and utilized in accordance with the terms of the trust and other funds held in deposit or clearing status.
840 Custodial – Accounts for funds in the custody of the college, but not belonging to it, or for funds in suspense status for clearing. It does not include activities defined below in fund 843, 846, and 849.
841 Cash Control – Accounts for college’s cash (and revenue) received from the State Treasurer for expenditures incurred in state funds as well as building and innovation funds cash (and expenditures) remitted to the State Treasurer. The cash, revenue and expenditures are transferred to the appropriate state funds after AFRS close (Period 133). Also accounts for pooled cash and investments. See CLAM 40.10.10. Crosswalks to Fund 790 for AFRS reporting.
IMPORTANT: Colleges are required to move all activity from Fund 841 to Fund 790 by the end of Fiscal Year 2023. Fund 841 will be inactivated with the beginning of Fiscal Year 2024.
843 Exceptional Faculty Awards Endowment Fund – A permanent trust fund used to account for faculty awards funded by private donations and state match. (Ref RCW 28B.50.839 )
846 Grants in Aid – Used to account for all funds placed in the custody of the college for use as scholarships or fellowships.
849 Student Loan – Used to account for all funds placed in the custody of the college for use as loans to students.
850 Work Study – Used to account for all funds placed in the custody of the college for use as work-study payments to students.
859 Endowment Local– A permanent trust fund used to account for the gifts and bequests that the donors have specified must remain intact. Interest earned should be transferred to a private purpose trust account to offset related expenditures.
860 Institutional Financial Aid Fund – Accounts for the revenue from the 3½% portion of tuition designated for aid to students. See SAAM 75.30.50 and RCW 28B.15.820 for complete descriptions and restrictions on use.
991 National Defense Student Loans (NDSL) – Accounts for federal student loan programs. Cross walked to fund 849 for AFRS reporting.
992 Nurses Loan – Accounts for federal student nursing loan programs. Cross walked to fund 849 for AFRS reporting.
993 National Direct Student Loan (NDSL) – Accounts for federal student loan programs. Cross walked to fund 849 for AFRS reporting.
995 National Direct Student Loan (NDSL) – Accounts for federal student loan programs. Cross walked to fund 849 for AFRS reporting.
997 General Capital Assets Subsidiary – Accounts for all assets and related depreciation of Governmental Funds, and Private Purpose and Pension Trust Funds.
999 Long-Term Obligation Subsidiary – Accounts for all long-term debt incurred by Governmental Funds, Private Purpose Trust Funds and Agency Funds.
SBCTC accounting rules require a valid combination of fund and class code be used in accounting activity.
Local and state operating funds (001,08A, 24J, 148, 149, etc.) are associated with primary operations classes (011-099).
Local grants and contracts (145, 146) use the equivalent of operating but instead begin with 1 (111-199).
Other non-primary activities use classes beginning with 2 including proprietary funds, student financial aid and agency type funds.
Capital projects use either 221 for local projects (Fund 147) or 9x1 for state capital projects (Fund 057, 060, etc.)
See the following sections for details on the allowed uses of the class code.
Name | Fund Number | ctcLink Fund Type | ctcLink Allowed Class Code | GAAP Fund Type |
General and Capital Project Funds | ||||
State General Fund | 001 | 1 | 011-099 | Governmental |
St Building Construction | 057 | 1 | 901, 911, 921, 931 | Governmental |
CTC Capital Projects | 060 | 1 | 901, 911, 921, 931, 289 | Governmental |
Education Legacy Trust | 08A | 1 | 011-099 | Governmental |
Employment Training Finance | 11A | 1 | 011-099 | Governmental |
Opportunity Express | 17C | 1 | 011-099 | Governmental |
Education Construction | 253 | 1 | 901, 911, 921, 931 | Governmental |
Gardner-Evans Construction | 357 | 1 | 901, 911, 921, 931 | Governmental |
Invest in Washington Account | 20F | 1 | 011-099 | Governmental |
Model Toxics Capital Project | 23N | 1 | 901, 911, 921, 931 | Governmental |
Workforce Education Investment | 24J | 1 | 011-099 | Governmental |
Climate Commitment Capital Project | 26C | 1 | 901, 911, 921, 931 | Governmental |
Community Assistance Capital Project | 26V | 1 | 901, 911, 921, 931 | Governmental |
Special Revenue | ||||
Grants | 145 | 3 | 1xx | Governmental |
Contract | 146 | 3 | 1xx | Governmental |
Local Capital Projects (Plant) | 147 | 3 | 221 | Governmental |
Dedicated Local | 148 | 3 | 011-099, 508 | Governmental |
Local General | 149 | 3 | 011-099,509 | Governmental |
Innovation | 561 | 3 | 288 (Colleges) | Governmental |
Faculty Awards Trust | 743 | 2 | SBCTC only | Governmental |
Scholarships & Grants in Aid | 846 | 4 | 271, 275 | Governmental |
Work Study | 850 | 4 | 273 | Governmental |
Institutional Financial Aid | 860 | 3 | 27x | Governmental |
Internal Service Funds | ||||
Central Stores | 440 | 4 | 254 | Proprietary |
Data Processing | 443 | 4 | 253 | Proprietary |
SBCTC IT Support Services | 444 | 4 | SBCTC Only | Proprietary |
Printing | 448 | 4 | 255 | Proprietary |
Other Service Activities | 450 | 4 | 256 | Proprietary |
Motor Pool | 460 | 4 | 251 | Proprietary |
Enterprise Funds | ||||
Student and Activities | 522 | 4 | 264 | Proprietary |
Bookstore | 524 | 4 | 261 | Proprietary |
Parking | 528 | 4 | 252 | Proprietary |
Food Service | 569 | 4 | 262 | Proprietary |
Other Auxiliary Enterprises | 570 | 4 | 265 | Proprietary |
Housing/Food Service | 573 | 4 | 262 | Proprietary |
Clearing | ||||
College Payroll Clearing | 790 | 5 | 301 | Fiduciary |
Cash Control | 790 | 5 | 28x | Fiduciary |
Fiduciary Funds | ||||
Agency | 840 | 5 | 28x | Fiduciary |
Permanent Funds | ||||
Exceptional Faculty Awards | 843 | 2 | 291 | Governmental |
Endowment Local | 859 | 2 | 291 | Governmental |
Private Purpose Trust Funds | ||||
Student Loans | 849 | 4 | 272 | Fiduciary |
National Defense Student Loan | 991 | 4 | 272 | Fiduciary |
Nursing Loans | 992 | 4 | 272 | Fiduciary |
National Direct Student Loan | 993 | 4 | 272 | Fiduciary |
National Direct Student Loan | 995 | 4 | 272 | Fiduciary |
Subsidiary Accounts | ||||
General Capital Assets | 997 | 3 |
211 (Local Funded) 901 (State Funded) |
General Capital Assets |
General Long-term Obligations | 999 | 3 | 311 | General Long-Term Obligations |
10.30.15 Business Unit - Operating Unit << 10.30.20 >> 10.30.25 Appropriation Index