Service Level Agreement (SLA)
ctcLink Support:
- ctcLink Support
- ctcLink Accessibility
- ctcLink Enhancement Requests
- ctcLink Governance
- ctcLink Training
- Environment/Pillar Updates and Outages
- Jobs Currently Scheduled and Running
Data Services:
K-20 Education Network:
Legacy Applications:
Mailman eLists:
- Mailman eLists (listservs)
Software & Hardware Contracts:
What is the ctcLink Service Level Agreement?
Purpose and Objective
The ctcLink Service Level Agreement (SLA) details the services and service levels provided by SBCTC ctcLink Support (Application Services, ctcLink Customer Support, ctcLink Security and Data Services). The SLA outlines the responsibilities and expectations of both ctcLink Support and its customers (Washington state community and technical colleges and the SBCTC agency).
This agreement outlines how ctcLink Support works in collaboration and partnership with its customers: the colleges and the SBCTC agency.
Parties to the Agreement
The ctcLink SLA is an agreement between SBCTC ctcLink Support and the ctcLink customers, i.e., colleges and SBCTC agency that are live on ctcLink.
The scope of this SLA is to provide a common understanding for services provided and establish ctcLink service levels. The service levels will be measured and documented in order to continuously improve support for customers’ experiences. The SLA is for organizations that have implemented ctcLink.
What Does the SLA Include?
The ctcLink Service Level Agreement includes the following:
- A description of the service elements which includes the multiple environments, systems covered and not covered, and service availability
- Service standards, how to obtain service, incident assignment and severity levels
- Communication updates, outages, training and more
- Service provider and customer responsibilities
The SLA is a living document to be revisited regularly based on evaluation results and deployment of additional colleges. This agreement will remain in force until specifically superseded, replaced, or terminated.
The ctcLink Service Level Agreement is currently version 2.1 and was last revised September 2021.