Workforce Education Research Reports
Research and policy perspectives on students participating in workforce training and the retraining needs of business and industry, employer demand, effectiveness of certain degree types, and outcomes for students on public assistance who aim to become self-sufficient.
For an alternative format of this information, please contact:
Travis Dulany
Associate Director, Policy Research
Modular Credentials and Labor Market Reports
- Aerospace Manufacturing Skills (Research Brief 19-4, October 2019)
- Certificate Structure Study: Do Stackable Certificates Really "Add Up" to a Degree? (Research Report 17-2, January 2017)
- Producing Nursing Grads and Rethinking Pipeline for Guided Pathways (Research Reports 17-1, January 2017)
- Labor Market Results of Workforce Education Students (Research Report 15-1, August 2015)
- Labor Market Results of Workforce Education Students - Attachments 3 and 4 (Research Report 15-1, August 2015)
- Growth in Short-Term Certificates at Washington’s Community and Technical Colleges (Research Report 10-3, September 2010)
- Building Pathways to Success for Low-Skill Adult Learners (Research Report 06-2, April 2005) — Commonly referred to as "Tipping Point Research" or "The Tipping Point Study."
Worker Retraining Reports
- 2018 Worker Retraining Accountability Report (Research Report 18-6, September 2018) This accountability research report provides enrollment and outcomes data over several years. Outcomes data captures completions, job placement and job retention, and wages and wage recovery for students who participated in the Worker Retraining program at some point four years prior to exiting college. The report further examines issues of equity and diversity to understand outcomes gaps for historically underserved students.
- Worker Retraining Accountability Report (Research Report 12-2, April 2013)
This report describes the Washington's Worker Retraining Program outcomes for workers who re-entered the workforce in 2011-12 following training in 2010-11. In addition, the report provides demographic and training information about current Worker Retraining students who lost their jobs and will re-enter the workforce following training over the next two years.
WorkFirst Reports
The following reports describe Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) WorkFirst students enrolled in training activities. In addition to annual enrollments and progress during a given time frame, the reports describe student completions and employment outcomes.