Program Requirements for Approved BEdA Providers
Washington state has developed several instructional models that have demonstrated success in accelerating the learning of adult students. Contextualization is the integration of the content curriculum with the Washington State Adult Learning Standards and College and Career Readiness Standards.
The BEdA office conducts trainings to inform providers how to satisfy the program requirements below.
BEdA Program Requirements
- The 2020-2023 Adult Education 4-Year State Plan shapes the future of ABE in Washington state. It also ensures ABE and English language education open up new career pathways and equitable educational opportunities for adults to develop the skills and earn the diplomas, certificates and degrees necessary to reach their educational and career goals. Contact William Durden.
- WA State Assessment Policy 2024-25 articulates the Washington state policy to standardize BEdA program assessment practices in order to provide the best possible educational services to adult learners. The User Guide 2024-25 is a supplement to the Assessment Policy which highlights key points. Contact Scott Toscano.
- Minimum Components of basic education for adult services, activities and programming in Washington state. Contact Troy Goracke.
- College and Career Readiness Standards(CCR) provide a set of manageable yet significant CCR Standards that reflect broad agreement among subject matter experts in adult education about what is desirable for adult students to know to be prepared for the rigors of postsecondary education and training. Contact Troy Goracke.
- English Language Proficiency Standards for Adult Education are companion standards that assist English Language Acquisition programs to align with the College and Career Readiness Standards. Programs can choose to use these standards, but they are not required. Contact William Durden.
- The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) signed into law by President Obama on July 22, 2014, reauthorizes the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA). Contact William Durden.