ctcLink Accounting Manual | 40.20.80 Inter-Agency State Treasurer Certificate of Participation
40.20.80 Inter-Agency State Treasurer Certificate of Participation
When the State Treasurer issues a Certificate of Participation (COP) on behalf of the college, funds are held by the Treasurer.
The college will record the COP receivable using account 1010180 - Due From Other St Agencies Short-Term which requires a value in the Subsidiary chartfield.
However, the subsidiary chartfield value should be 0100cc Bond and Retirement Interest (where cc equals the last two digits of the college state agency number).
See CLAM Section 40.70 for complete guidance on recording COP entries.
Debt service payments to the State Treasurer (TRE) are treated like an external organization and do not require values in the Subsidiary chartfield.
- 2050010 - COP Liability Short-Term
- 2130040 - COP Liability Long-Term
COP Liability Short-Term and COP Liability Long-Term balances MUST equal the balances recorded by the State Treasurer. To assist the colleges with these entries, the Treasurer sends each college a COP statement showing the correct balances annually before year-end close.
40.20.70 Inter-Agency Financial Aid Billings <<40.20.80>> 40.30 Accounting for Assets