ctcLink Accounting Manual | 40.10.40 Inter-Fund Expenditure Transfers
40.10.40 Inter-Fund Expenditure Transfers
When costs incurred in one fund benefit another fund, those costs may be transferred to the benefiting fund using a process referred to in Legacy as “T” transfers.
Essentially, a credit entry is booked into the original fund/class/department using the account representing the expenditure type (Benefits, Professional Service, Goods & Services, Travel, Capital, Equipment, Grants, Tuition and Debt Service) of the original expenditure (Salary transfers have a separate process discussed below). An offsetting debit entry using the same account is then recorded in the benefiting fund/class/department.
Do not use the ‘T’ transfer process for transferring COP expenditures since only specific accounts are permitted for purchases with COP funds.
The practice of transferring large amounts of funds between accounts (“T” transfers), primarily to cover employee compensation costs, has created transparency, accountability and funding questions from oversight agencies.
In addition, because salary expenditure amounts are used to allocate salary increase funding, concerns have been expressed that colleges might “game” the allocation system by charging more to state funds than they actually spend by year-end close.
The Business Affairs Commission adopted a salary transfer solution meeting the needs of legislators, while not creating a significant administrative burden on SBCTC and the community and technical colleges.
This required adding five new account codes to identify the employee type of a ‘T’ transfer. Each ‘T’ transfer will have to identify to an account code to differentiate how the transferred funds are being used.
The new accounts will differentiate data when it goes to AFRS/One Washington and distinguish between classified, exempt, faculty, other (for tech colleges) and student employees.
Colleges are:
- required to input the number of staff months as an additional data point.
- expected to consistently use the Fund, Appropriation Index, Class and State Purpose. Salary Transfers Journal Source
When creating journal entries for the transfers of salaries as described below, colleges must use the Journal Source: PTR – Payroll Transfer. This will allow an easier identification and reconciliation of the transfers. We also recommend adding the original journal ID in the reference field. Salary Transfer Required Chartfields
Business Unit |
Required |
Operating Unit |
Required |
Account |
See below |
Fund |
Required |
Appropriation Index |
Required |
Class |
See below |
Department |
See below |
Project ID |
See below |
State Purpose (IT) |
Required |
Amount |
Required |
Stat |
Stat Amount |
Required | Salary Transfer Accounts
When transferring salary expenditures, only the following five (5) accounts may be used (colleges are always welcome to reverse the original account and record the correct account):
5081012 |
All employees/positions which have been defined as exempt by chapter 41.06 RCW, by the Washington Personnel Resources Board and by the governing board of the institution excluding faculty, graduate assistants, students, and higher education other. |
5081014 |
All employees/positions whose primary responsibilities are teaching, research, public service, or a combination of these, including librarians and counselors designated as faculty. |
5081016 |
All classified employees/positions under the jurisdiction of the Washington Personnel Resources Board. |
5081018 |
All student employees other than graduate assistants or those covered by Washington Personnel Resources Board, including work-study students. |
5081019 |
All employees/positions not subject to other classifications. |
The offset to the transfer expenditure account is always internal cash 1000199.
Original Account | Description | Transfer Account |
5000010 |
Exempt Executive |
5081012 |
5000020 |
Exempt Managerial |
5081012 |
5000030 |
Exempt Professional/Technical |
5081012 |
5000040 |
Exempt Support Staff |
5081012 |
5000050 |
Exempt Temporary |
5081012 |
5000110 |
Classified PT Hourly (Non-Rep) |
5081012 |
5000060 |
Faculty Permanent FT |
5081014 |
5000070 |
Faculty Permanent PT |
5081014 |
5000080 |
Faculty Temporary FT |
5081014 |
5000090 |
Faculty Temporary PT |
5081014 |
5000100 |
Community College Classified |
5081016 |
5000120 |
Technical College Classified |
5081016 |
5000130 |
Higher Education Students |
5081018 |
5000140 |
Work Study Students |
5081018 |
5000180 |
Higher Education Other |
5081019 |
5000190 |
Tech Coll Classified PT Hourly |
5081019 | Salary Transfer Departments
Colleges may use a single department for all transfers since Department is not included in our transmittal to AFRS/One Washington. Salary Transfer Class Codes
Colleges should use the original Class Code when making transfers to maintain the integrity of college data for IPEDS reporting. Salary Transfer Projects
PC Bus Unit/Project/Activity/Analysis Type are always required for project costs. Salary Transfer Staff Months
Every transfer of salary expenditure requires staff months as well. Enter SMO in the Stat field and the totally number of staff months in the Stat Amt field. Salary Transfers Accounting
Example 1
Two employees (faculty) were incorrectly charged to:
1 - 001-101-012-34520-5000060-$2000 SMO .5
2 - 001-101-018-34520-5000080-$2000 SMO .5
when they should have been charged to:
3 - 08A-3E0-012-34520-5000060-$2000 SMO .5
4 - 08A-3E0-018-34520-5000080-$2000 SMO .5
then make the following journal entry (as an example):
Illustrative Entries
Salary Transfer Out
Fund | AI | Class | Dept | Project | Acct | Amt | Stat | Stat Amt |
001 |
101 |
012 |
34520 |
Null |
1000199 |
$4000.00 |
001 |
101 |
012 |
34520 |
Null |
5081014 |
$(4000.00) |
(1.00) |
Salary Transfer In
Fund | AI | Class | Dept | Project | Acct | Amt | Stat | Stat Amt |
08A |
3E0 |
012 |
34520 |
Null |
5081014 |
$4000.00 |
1.00 |
08A |
3E0 |
012 |
34520 |
Null |
1000199 |
$(4000.00) |
Example 2
One employee was incorrectly charged to a state fund as faculty, but should have been charged to a grant as classified:
1 - 001-101-012-34520-Null-5000060-$1800 SMO .5
when they should have been charged to:
2 - 145-Null-112-45631-0000002538-5000100-$1800 SMO .5
then could make the following journal entry (as an example):
Illustrative Entries
Salary Transfer Out
Fund | AI | Class | Dept | Project | Acct | Amt | Anal Type | Stat | Stat Amt |
001 |
101 |
012 |
34520 |
1000199 |
$1800.00 |
001 |
101 |
012 |
34520 |
5081014 |
$(1800.00) |
(.50) |
Salary Transfer In
Fund | AI | Class | Dept | Project | Acct | Amt | Anal Type | Stat | Stat Amt |
145 |
Null |
112 |
45631 |
000000nnnn |
5081016 |
$1800.00 |
.50 |
145 |
Null |
112 |
45631 |
000000nnnn |
1000199 |
$(1800.00) |
Example 3
A faculty member was correctly charged to a state fund as faculty, but in the second half of the month they went on sabbatical:
1 - 001-101-012-34520-Null-5000060-$4000 SMO 1.0
so they should have been charged to:
2 - 001-101-044-34520-Null-5000060-$2000 SMO .50
then could make the following journal entry (as an example):
Illustrative Entries
Salary Transfer Out
Fund | AI | Class | Dept | Project | Acct | Amt | Anal | Stat | Stat Amt |
001 |
101 |
012 |
34520 |
1000199 |
$2000.00 |
001 |
101 |
012 |
34520 |
5081014* |
$(2000.00) |
(.50) |
Salary Transfer In
Fund | AI | Class | Dept | Project | Acct | Amt | Anal | Stat | Stat Amt |
001 |
101 |
044 |
34520 |
5081014* |
$2000.00 |
.50 |
001 |
101 |
044 |
34520 |
1000199 |
$(2000.00) |
*Alternately, for ease in reconciliation, it would be preferred to retain the original account – 5000060.
The nature, accounts and amounts of the transfers would change depending on the terms of the collective bargaining agreements and state guidance for recording expenditures.
Original Account Ranges* | Transfer Account | Description |
5010010-5010160 5010180-5010200 |
5081020 |
Intra Agncy Transfer Benefits |
5050040-5050060 5050100-5050165 |
5081030 |
Intra Agncy Transfer Prof Svcs |
5030070-5030080 5030110 5050030 5050070-5050090 5050170 5060010-5060060 5081090-5081260 |
5081040 |
Intra Agncy Transfer Goods/Svc |
5080010-5080070 |
5081050 |
Intra Agncy Transfer Travel |
5040010-5040799 |
5081060 |
Intra Agncy Transfer CapOutlay |
5020451-5020499 |
5081070 |
Intra Agncy Trnsfr GrntsBenSvc |
5020030-5020449 |
5081072 |
Intra Agncy Reimb Tuition-Aid |
5050020-5050027 |
5081074 |
Intra Agncy Reimb - Cntr Grnts |
5110010-5110199 |
5081080 |
Intra Agncy Transfer Debt Svc |
* See section Expenditure/Expense Accounts for a detailed list of accounts.
The offset to the transfer expenditure account is always internal cash - 1000199!
Example 4
Two employees’ travel costs were incorrectly charged:
1 - 001-101-012-34520-5080010-$215.50
2 - 001-101-018-34520-5080030-$184.50
when they should have been charged to:
3 - 08A-3E0-012-34520-5080010-$215.50
4 - 08A-3E0-018-34520-5080030-$184.50
the college could make the following journal entry (as an example):
Illustrative Entries
Expenditure Transfer Out
Fund |
AI |
Class |
Dept |
Method |
Acct |
Amt |
001 |
101 |
012 |
34520 |
Journal Entry |
1000199 |
$400.00 |
001 |
101 |
012 |
34520 |
Journal Entry |
5081050 |
$(400.00) |
Expenditure Transfer In
Fund | AI | Class | Dept | Method | Acct | Amt |
08A |
3E0 |
012 |
34520 |
Journal Entry |
5081050 |
$400.00 |
08A |
3E0 |
012 |
34520 |
Journal Entry |
1000199 |
$(400.00) |
Alternately, the college could choose to reverse the original expenditure (with an offset to internal cash) and record the expenditure in the correct chartstring (with an offset to cash).
It is important to record the offset to internal cash since the accounts payable chartstring cannot be modified and the process must complete through payment in the original chartstring.
40.10.30 Inter-Fund Equity Balance Transfer << 40.10.40 >> 40.10.50 Inter-Fund Services Provided and Used