40.10.70 Intra-Fund Cash Transfers

Transfers between departments in same local fund

When transfers occur between different departments within the same local fund, colleges should use 4030130 (Intra-Fund Transfer) for both the transfer out (debit) and the transfer in (credit).

Board authority for these transfers is not required.

This process is frequently used to close out small balances in inactive class/departments.

Illustrative Entries

Intra-fund Transfer Out
Fund Class Dept Method Subsid Acct DR Acct CR
146 1cc Dept1 Journal Entry   4030130 1000199
Intra-fund Transfer In
Fund Class Dept Method Subsid Acct DR Acct CR




Journal Entry





40.10.60 Inter-Fund Loans << 40.10.70 >> 40.20 Inter-Agency Transactions