This chapter contains policies related to instructional programs and courses offered by the state’s community and technical college system. Links are provided in the respective policy statements to RCWs, WACs, and procedures and guidelines that are relative to that specific policy

Policy history

Action Description Revision Date
SBCTC Resolution 02-09-16 Board approved Policy Manual 09/19/2002

All courses offered and reported on by Washington’s community and technical colleges must meet minimum standards as determined by the State Board (see RCW 28B.50.090(7)(c) and (e) ).

The State Board requires that:

  1. All courses described for reporting purposes use a coding system approved by the State Board (see Course Coding Procedures and Guidelines under Policy Resources below).
  2. The credit value or credit equivalent assigned to any course or instructional activity must follow the rules for setting credit values and equivalents as approved by the State Board (see 5.40.10 Class effort: Credit values and credit equivalents).
  3. Colleges abide by the rules and regulations adopted by the State Board with respect to budgeting, accounting, auditing, and financial procedures supplemental to the State’s Budget and Accounting Act (see RCW 28B.50.090; RCW 43.88) and use criteria as approved by the SBCTC to:
    1. Receive state fund support (see RCW 28B.50.090(7)(b and e)).
    2. Be classified as contract funded (see RCW 28B.50.140 (16 and 17); WAC 131-32-010 and WAC 131-32-020).
    3. Be classified as student-funded (see RCW 28B.50.020).

4.10.10 Instructional Modalities

Contact hours in online, hybrid and competency-based classes may vary from more traditional face-to-face classes. Students should demonstrate equivalent learning outcomes regardless of instructional modality.

Traditional (face-to-face) classes

Students and instructors meet together for a certain number of hours, in a classroom and on a regular weekly schedule.

Online classes

Online classes consist entirely of online elements with no face-to-face component. Some online classes require students to interact with each other, the faculty, and content at specific times, while others are entirely self-paced.

Hybrid classes

Hybrid classes combine face-to-face classroom time with online instruction. Students in a hybrid class come to campus at scheduled times and meet face-to-face with instructors and students. Many class activities are conducted online, including class work assignments, discussions and group projects.

Flipped classes

The flipped classroom reverses the traditional educational arrangement by delivering instructional content outside of the classroom, often online. Students spend classroom time actively engaging in concepts to clarify and apply the knowledge, under the guidance of the instructor.

Competency-based education

Competency-based education allows students to advance based on their proven mastery of a subject rather than classroom time.

4.10.20 Educational Technology and Open Education

Educational Technology works across the community and technical college system to provide accessible, affordable and innovative digital learning options for students by mobilizing technology to increase student success (see Educational Technology and Open Education under Policy Resources below).

4.10.25 State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA)

The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements, SARA, provides a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of postsecondary distance education. System colleges participating in SARA must adhere to specific requirements, including but not limited to, determining where students, faculty, and educational activities are located and reporting on that regularly. The Washington Student Achievement Council has been designated the state’s SARA Portal Entity, provides program support, oversight and consumer complaint resolution services for out of state students (see State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) under Policy Resources below).

4.10.30 Copyright and Open Licensing Policy

Regardless of funding source, all original works of authorship produced by (1) a State Board employee within the scope of employment, (2) a contractor with an assignment of intellectual property rights in the contract, or (3) using a State Board-sponsored grant will carry a Creative Commons Attribution License version 4.0 or later (CC BY) (see Copyright and Open License Policy Guidelines under Policy Resources below).

4.10.40 Academic Credit for Prior Learning (ACPL)

Community and technical colleges may assess and award credit for prior learning that has occurred outside the classroom and/or through previous educational endeavors.  Four categories are established for Academic Credit for Prior Learning and are specifically denoted on a student’s transcript: Credit by Testing, Prior Experiential Learning, Extra-Institutional Learning and Course Challenges (see RCW 28B.77.230; RCW 28B.10.053; Academic Credit for Prior Learning under Policy Resources below).

  1. A grade may only be assessed for Course Challenges when the student is registered and tuition is charged per the college grading policy  
  2. All other prior learning categories must receive a Pass or equivalent grade designation per the college grading policy (see Seal of Biliteracy under Policy Resources below).
  3. Dual credit exams (AP, IB, and CI) must follow the system policy for awarding of credit (see 4.60.50 Credit Policy for Dual Credit Exams)
  4. Credit earned through Academic Credit for Prior Learning at one college will be accepted toward the appropriate course or program at any other community and technical system college

4.10.50 Guided Pathways

Each community and technical college shall fully implement guided pathways. Guided Pathways implementation must include:

  1. comprehensive mapping of educational pathways,
  2. dedicated advising and career counseling,
  3. data analytics to measure student learning and program outcomes, and
  4. student success support infrastructure with a focus on closing equity gaps among historically underserved populations (see RCW 28B.50.925, Guided Pathways under policy resources below).

Policy resources

Policy history

Action Description Revision Date
Executive Director approval Course Coding Procedures updated 02/25/2024
Passage of ESSSB 5194 Guided Pathways implementation 07/25/2021
SBCTC Resolution 16-09-36 Open Licensing Policy Amendment 09/28/2016
Passage of SSB 5969 Military Training Academic Credit 06/12/2014
National Council-SARA established State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) 07/01/2013
Passage of ESSHB 1795 Academic Credit for Prior Learning 08/24/2011
Instruction Commission approval Seal of Biliteracy 10/24/2022
SBCTC Resolution 10-06-30 Digital Licensing 06/17/2010
WACTC approval Guidelines for Prior Learning Assessment adopted 08/15/2008

State law authorizes the community and technical college system to offer vocational certificates, associate degrees, and applied baccalaureate degrees.  Colleges may not offer academic subject certificates to align with the U.S. Department of Education regulations for Title IV financial aid eligibility.

The State Board shall ensure that each college district offers thoroughly comprehensive educational, training and service programs to meet the needs of both the communities and students served. The State Board shall establish minimum standards to govern the requirements for degrees and certificates awarded by the colleges (see RCW 28B.50.020 and RCW 28B.50.090(7)(c), RCW 28B.50.810, and RCW 28B50.030(2)).

4.20.10 Professional-technical certificates and degrees

The requirements for professional-technical degrees and certificates awarded by the state’s community and technical colleges must follow guidelines and approval processes established by the SBCTC (see Professional-Technical Program Approval Process under "Policy Resources" below).

4.20.15 Professional-technical transfer degrees

If a professional-technical degree is not already approved, the college must first follow guidelines and approval processes established by the SBCTC (see Professional-Technical Program Approval Process under "Policy Resources" below).

A professional-technical associate degree program that is already approved, the college need submit only the title of the approved professional-technical degree for which the professional-technical transfer degree will be offered, the appropriate CIP and program plan code, and a program/curriculum guide (list by course number, course title, credits per course, and total credits).

4.20.20 Direct transfer agreement degrees

The requirements for the Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) degree and all Direct Transfer Agreement/Major Related Programs (DTA/MRP’s) degrees as authorized by the Joint Transfer Council and awarded by the state’s community and technical colleges must follow guidelines and approval processes established by the SBCTC (see Transfer Degree Approval Process under “Policy Resources” below).

4.20.30 Baccalaureate degree approval process

The Board retains sole approval authority for Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BS) degrees submitted by the community and technical colleges. The Board may make future revisions to the selection process and criteria as needed (see RCW 28B.50.810; RCW 28B.50.825; Baccalaureate Degree Program Approval Process under Policy Resources below).

  1. Applied Baccalaureate Degrees
    The State Board approves all proposals Bachelor of Applied Science programs and are intended to:
    • Serve professional and technical degree-holding students who have limited access to bachelor degree programs after completing their associate of applied science degree or its equivalent
    • Provide opportunities for working adults who are place-bound to a specific geographic region and want to earn a baccalaureate degree
    • Fill skills and credentials gaps and needs in specific occupations, particularly specific professional and technical fields requiring applied knowledge and skills.
  2. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Degrees
    The State Board approves all proposals for Bachelor of Science in Computer Science programs and are intended to:
    • Fills a gap in options available for students because it is not offered by a public four-year institution of higher education in the college's geographic area, or
    • Satisfy a shortage of programs demanded by industry and workforce.

4.20.40 Second baccalaureate degree general education requirements

Students who have previously earned a baccalaureate degree from another accredited institution may enroll for a second baccalaureate degree in a different discipline and will have met the general education requirements (basic and distribution areas) for a baccalaureate degree (see Second Baccalaureate Degree under Policy Resources below).

4.20.50 Upper division certificates

Upper-division certificates as defined by courses numbering 300 or higher must be approved by the SBCTC using the same procedures used for professional-technical certificate approval except for the following:

  1. There is no requirement for related academic instruction
  2. There is no requirement for advisory committee approval
  3. All of the courses included in certificates totaling less than 20 credits shall be drawn from a single existing baccalaureate degree program

(see Upper Division Certificate Resources under "Policy Resources" below).

Policy resources

Policy history

Action Description Revision Date
Passage of SSB 5401 Bachelor of Science degrees in computer science 07/25/2021
Instruction Commission approval Second baccalaureate degree general education requirements 05/05/2021
Instruction Commission approval Upper division certificates 11/18/2020
SBCTC Resolution 14-09-59 BAS Program Approval Process  09/10/2014 
Passage of E2SHB 2483 State Board authorized to approve applied baccalaureate degrees 07/1/2012 
Passage of SSB 6355 Applied baccalaureate degree program made permanent 07/1/2010
Passage of SHB 1328 Allows technical colleges to award certain transfer degrees 07/26/2009
Passage of SSB 5104 Applied Baccalaureate Degree pilot program 08/15/2008

4.30.10 Transfer within the community and technical college system

Students transferring among system colleges should not penalized by the differences in the specific requirements imposed by individual campuses within the general guidelines for fulfilling course distribution requirements of transfer degrees.

In the spirit of compromise between these competing interests, system colleges have developed and adopted guidelines, for reciprocity of transfer coursework among colleges to include reciprocity of individual courses, distribution area or specific requirement courses, and diversity course requirements (see Inter-College Reciprocity under Policy Resources below).

4.30.15 Common Course Numbering

Common course numbering, including academic and professional/technical courses makes it easier for students to transfer courses between community and technical colleges in Washington state. Common course numbering eases that process because equivalent courses are labeled the same across all system colleges (see Common Course Numbering Protocol and Processes, PTCCN Processes and Forms).

  1. Academic Common Courses (CCN) include:
    • Academic transfer courses, as defined by the Intercollege Relations Council (ICRC) agreement 
    • Aerospace/aviation maintenance and early childhood education courses
  2. Professional/Technical Common Courses (P/TCC) include:
    • Vocational and career skills courses with common outcomes
    • Certificate, associate and, baccalaureate level courses
  3. CCN does not apply to:
    • Precollege (remedial/developmental) education
    • Basic Education for Adults (adult basic education, High School Equivalency Exam, English Language Acquisition, or high school completion).

4.30.20 Transfer to four-year institutions

The State Board encourages community and technical colleges to:

  1. Maintain membership in the Intercollege Relations Commission (ICRC) of the Washington Council for High School-College Relations (see ICRC).
  2. Annually inform baccalaureate institutions regarding changes in the curriculum related to generally transferable courses in order to assure accurate course equivalency lists (see Course Equivalency Guides/Course Transfer Information).
  3. Adopt new Major Related Program degree pathway agreements when negotiated as a means of providing students with preparation for selected majors regardless of their choice of future institution and to develop and implement program-to-program articulation agreements with nearby public and private four-year institutions in the state of Washington to smooth pathways most commonly followed by transfer students.
  4. Follow the College in the High School (CiHS) academic/transfer guidelines when offering courses at high schools for college credit and eventual transfer.

4.30.25 Transfer of general education courses

A student who completes courses selected from within the general education categories listed at a public community, technical, four-year college or university in Washington State will be able to transfer and apply a maximum of 45 quarter credits toward general education requirement(s) at any other public and most private higher education institutions in the state.

For transfer purposes, a student must have a minimum grade of C or better (2.0 or above) in each course completed. Students who transfer these courses must still meet a receiving institution’s admission requirements and eventually satisfy all their general education requirements and their degree requirements (see One Year Transfer Courses under “Policy Resources” below).

4.30.30 Transfer from four-year institutions (Reverse Transfer)

Reverse articulation allows eligible students to receive their associate degree after transferring to a baccalaureate institution. Students who transfer prior to completing their associate degree can complete any remaining requirements as part of their baccalaureate degree program and apply those credits back to the community or technical college to receive their associate degree (see Reverse Transfer under Policy Resources below).

The four-year institutions of higher education are encouraged to work with the SBCTC to develop plans for facilitating the reverse transfer of academic credits from four-year institutions to community or technical colleges. The plans should include the following provisions:

  1. a policy allowing eligible students the opportunity to transfer credits from a four-year institutions back to a community or technical college, to use towards a two-year degree; and
  2. procedures for notifying eligible students of their eligibility in the program

4.30.40 Transfer degree titles

Transfer degree titles, specifically those designated as state approved degrees such as the Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA), Associate in Science-Transfer (AS-T), or any with the Major Related Pathway (MRP) designation carry the official State Board title. These degree titles represent specific negotiated agreements between the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (representing the 34 community and technical colleges) and the public and private four-year baccalaureate institutions. 

Locally designed associate degrees also intended for transfer by an individual college may not carry the DTA, AS-T, or DTA/MRP designated titles and/or abbreviations unless approved by the State Board transfer degree approval process and posted on the transfer degree inventory (see transfer degree inventory under Policy Resources below).

Policy resources

Policy history

Action Description Revision Date
Instruction Commission approval One year transfer courses list 05/2012
Instruction Commission approval Inter-College Reciprocity 05/2012
Passage of ESSHB 1795 One year transfer courses 08/24/2011
Instruction Commission approval Transfer distribution courses 08/15/2008
Instruction Commission approval College in the High School academic/transfer guidelines 08/15/2008
Instruction Commission approval Transfer to four-year institutions guidelines 06/20/2016

All professional-technical degree and certificate programs must be approved by the SBCTC prior to course or program implementation (see RCW 28B.50.090(7)(c)). As part of this responsibility, the SBCTC:

  1. Sets rules/procedures/guidelines, developed in cooperation with the college system, that provide for the approval of all proposed new professional/technical programs, curriculum modifications and program title changes (see Professional/Technical Program Approval Process; Work-Based Learning Programs under Policy Resources below).
  2. Requires that colleges certify professional-technical staff and faculty (see WAC 131-16-070 through WAC 131-16-095).

4.40.10 Centers of Excellence

Washington State’s Centers of Excellence link business, industry, labor and the state’s educational systems to create a highly skilled and readily available workforce critical to the success of the state’s economy. Each center is funded by the State Board and is housed at a community or technical college. (see RCW 28B.50.092; Centers of Excellence under Policy Resources below).

Each Center of Excellence follows five core expectations:

  1. Economic Development Focus
  2. Industry Sector Strategy Focus
  3. Education, Innovation and Efficiency Focus
  4. Data and Industry Standards to Inform Workforce Supply/Demand Focus
  5. Leading with Equity and Access

The State Board will conduct an onsite assessment of the Center of Excellence not to exceed every three years. The assessment will consist of the following:

  1. Evaluate the work of the center
  2. Consider industry demand
  3. Provide system guidance
  4. Feedback highlighting center accomplishments and challenges
  5. Interacts with leadership of the college
  6. Incorporates system leadership recommendations
  7. Reaffirms the host college’s interest in and support for hosting the center

4.40.20 Advisory Committees for Professional-Technical programs

Each community and technical college or college district is required to have an industry advisory committee for each program and to follow approved College Advisory Committee Procedures (see RCW 28B.50.252; College Advisory Committee Procedures under Policy Resources below).

4.40.30 Apprenticeship Programs

Apprenticeship programs are a earn and learn training model that combines paid on-the-job (OJT) work experience with classroom instruction to prepare apprentices for highly skilled careers in a multitude of industries. Apprenticeship programs are approved by the Washington State Apprenticeship & Training Council (WSATC) or federal Bureau of Apprenticeship Training and provide a minimum of 2000 paid OJT hours and at least 144 hours of related supplemental instruction per 12-month period. Every registered apprenticeship program must include classroom instruction, referred to as related supplemental instruction (RSI) that is designed to provide knowledge of the theoretical and technical subjects related to the apprentice’s occupation.  

State law allows the SBCTC to provide WSATC with recommendations on matters of apprentice-related and supplemental instruction, coordination of instruction with job experiences, and instructor qualifications. Many Washington Registered Apprenticeship programs choose to partner with one of the 34 community and technical colleges within our system to provide the associated RSI. Apprentices taking related supplemental instruction through community or technical college partnership are entitled to a 50% tuition and fee waiver (see RCW 49.04.010(2), WAC 296-05-015, WAC 131-28-026 (4)(b), and Apprenticeship Programs under Policy resources below).

Federally registered apprenticeship programs are also governed by law, and provide a framework that supports an enhanced, modernized apprenticeship system. The Office of Apprenticeship has responsibility for registering apprenticeship programs and apprentices; providing technical assistance; conducting reviews for compliance; and quality assurance assessments (see Title 29 CFR part 29 subpart A).

Policy resources

Policy history

Action Description Revision Date
Passage of E2SSB 5600 Creation of industry sector-based platforms to collaborate with relevant Centers of Excellence. 3/24/2022
Passage of E2SSB 5764 Improves apprentice access to Washington College Grant and requires creation of credit equivalencies for RSI in Washington state registered apprenticeship programs. 3/24/2022
WACTC Approval Centers of Excellence procedures amended. 12/03/2021
Passage of SHB 1323 Codifies Centers of Excellence. 07/26/2009
Executive Director Memorandum Ungraded courses can be assigned degree credit. 05/17/2004
Board Resolution 04-03-03 Tuition charges for certain ungraded courses (revised). 05/06/2004

The State Board is responsible for administration of the state and federally funded adult basic education programs in the State of Washington. Basic Education for Adults (BEdA) programs teach foundational skills — reading, writing, math, technology and English language — to assist adults to move through college and into high-demand jobs. The programs are designed for adults with academic skills below high school completion or who need to improve their English language skills (see RCW 28B.50.020 (3); RCW 28B.50.030 (12); RCW 28B.50.250; Basic Education for Adults under Policy Resources below).

4.50.10 Certificate of High School Equivalency (HSE)

The State Board is the state administrator for HSE testing. The Board authorizes agencies to administer the HSE Test to qualify persons for the Certificate of Educational Competence including determining eligibility for taking the HSE test and administering the test (see WAC 131-48; WAC 131-48-060; RCW 28B.50.912; RCW 28B.50.536).

4.50.20 High school completion

Community and technical colleges are authorized to provide opportunities for adults to complete studies leading to a high school diploma, provided that admission to such a program is consistent with the general community and technical college residency procedures and diplomas are awarded subject to Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and State Board of Education rules and regulations (see RCW 28B.50.535; WAC 131‑12‑010). Minimum requirements for completing high school are set by the State Board of Education (see WAC 180-51-061). Statutory provisions govern the program for persons 18 years of age and over (see WAC 180-51-053). For graduation requirements for students over age 21 see WAC 180-51-035.

4.50.30 College issued high school diploma

Upon written request and meeting eligibility criteria, any student who earns an associate degree of any type shall receive a high school diploma from the college (see RCW 28B.50.535).

Policy resources

Policy history

Action Description Revision Date
SBCTC Resolution 13-06-30 GED® term changed to High School Equivalency (HSE) 06/20/2013
SHB 1758 Request a high school diploma after completing an associate degree 07/26/2009
Washington State Board of Education High school graduation age standards amended 03/10/2005

4.60.10 Agreements between district boards of trustees and common school boards

The State Board supports boards of trustees entering into agreements in cooperation with local high school district boards to provide options for students to complete college-equivalent courses and programs while still in high school (see RCW 28B.50.530).

4.60.20 Running Start

The State Board in conjunction with the Superintendent of Public Instruction has adopted rules governing Running Start, a program that allows eligible eleventh and twelfth graders to enroll in college for the purpose of earning credits toward high school graduation while earning college credits (see WAC 131-46; WAC 392-169-005; RCW 28A.600.390).

4.60.30 Career and Technical Education Dual Credit

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Dual Credit, formerly known as Tech Prep, provides career pathways for high school students. CTE Dual Credit classes are taught at the high school or skills center and integrate academics with technical skills to help prepare students for advanced education and careers related to professional-technical occupations. All CTE Dual Credit courses offer high school and college credit for successfully completing the same class (see RCW 28B.50.531; RCW 28A.230.130; Guidelines for Statewide Articulation Using the Direct Transcription Method under Policy Resources below).

4.60.40 College in the High School

College in the High School programs are designed to provide college level courses in high school locations to serve qualified ninth through twelfth grade students. Community and technical college boards of trustees may establish such programs in cooperation with local school district boards (see RCW 28B.50.530; RCW 28A.600.280 through 290; College in the High School – Academic Transfer Guidelines under Policy Resources below).

4.60.50 Credit Policy for Dual Credit Exams

There are several dual credit opportunities for students in high school to earn college credits. National examination-based options include the Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and Cambridge Assessment International Examination (CI).

Higher education institutions are required to establish policy for granting as much undergraduate credit as practicable for students who earn passing scores on AP, IB and CI examinations. Each institution must post the policy on their campus websites.

If an institution is unable to award general education course equivalency, the student may request in writing an evidence-based reason as to why the course equivalency cannot be granted (see RCW 28B.10.054).

4.60.51 Advanced Placement (AP)

Washington state community and technical colleges will award unrestricted elective credit for an Advanced Placement (AP) score of 3 or higher. Credit will be awarded on the basis of official AP results, not transcript notation. Credits granted for general education or major requirements will be specified by the receiving institution’s AP credit policies; otherwise, elective credit will be granted (see AP Scores Crosswalk under Policy Resources below).

4.60.52 International Baccalaureate (IB)

Washington state community and technical colleges will award unrestricted elective credit for an International Baccalaureate (IB) score of 4 on standard-level or higher-level IB exams. Credit will be awarded on the basis of official IB results, not transcript notation. Credits granted for general education or major requirements will be specified by the receiving institution’s IB credit policies; otherwise, elective credit will be granted (see IB Scores Crosswalk under Policy Resources below).

4.60.53 Cambridge International (CI)

Washington state community and technical colleges will award unrestricted elective credit for a Cambridge International (CI) score of E on A and AS level exams. Credit will be awarded on the basis of official CI results, not transcript notation. Credits granted for general education or major requirements will be specified by the receiving institution’s CI credit policies; otherwise, elective credit will be granted (see CI Scores Crosswalk under Policy Resources below).

Policy resources

Policy history

Action Description Revision Date
Passage of SHB 1302 Grade level eligibility addition for College in the High School 07/25/2021
Passage of ESSB 5410 Dual credit exams placement requirements 07/28/2019
Passage of E2SHB 2483 Higher Education Coordinating Board becomes Washington Student Achievement Council. 07/01/2012
Passage of ESSHB 1808 Post-secondary credit opportunities 07/22/2011
Passage of SHB 2119 College in the High School rules and reporting 07/26/2009
Passage of 2SSB 6377 Secondary Career and Technical Education programs 06/12/2008
Instruction Commission approval AP credit 08/15/2008

Career Connect Washington delegated the administration of the Career Launch Endorsement Review process to the State Board. Career Launch programs combine classroom learning with related paid work-based learning opportunities. Career Launch programs can include:

  • Registered apprenticeships
  • A post-secondary institution participating in the Washington College Grant, College Bound Scholarship or Passport programs with a paid work-based learning component as a credentials requirement.
  • A secondary career and technical education program that meet credential requirements and include a paid work-based learning component.

Career Launch programs can be offered at community and technical colleges, training centers, universities and K-12 schools that partner with higher-education institutions (See Career Launch Endorsement Overview and Career Connect Washington under Policy Resources below).

Policy resources

Policy history

Action Description Revision Date
Passage of E2SHB 2158 Career Connected Learning-Career Launch 07/28/2019

4.80.10 Out-of-district contracting

Community and technical colleges may enter into out-district-contracts to offer educational services. Agreements must be in place to:

  1. Provide courses, special events or services in another college’s district (see WAC 131-32-030), and/or
  2. Jointly provide educational courses, programs or services (see WAC 131-32-035) and Appendix H: Guidelines for Statewide and Regional Contract Services).

4.80.20 Contracting with joint apprenticeship training councils

The State Board establishes guidelines for contracting for apprenticeship training with Joint Apprenticeship Training Councils (see WAC 131-28-026 (4)(c); Community College Tuition and Fee Waivers and Residency).

4.80.30 International Contract Students

To achieve an internationally integrated educational environment, colleges may enroll international students. The ability to issue a Certificate of Eligibility for Non-Immigrant (F-1) Student Status-for Academic and Language Students or Certificate for Non-Immigrant (M-1) Student Status-for Vocational Students is granted to an individual college through the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement authorization.

Districts with International Contract programs must have in place a contract with a third party that has been approved by the State Board staff and as to form by the college’s AAG and that includes the following:

  1. Substantive action on the part of the contractor.
  2. Estimated number of students to be served and the fees to be charged.
  3. Budget demonstrating revenues from the program will cover the full cost of instruction including both direct and indirect costs.

4.80.40 Educational programs to serve foreign nationals in a foreign country

The SBCTC requires prior approval for certain contracts by colleges to conduct out-of-country educational courses and programs (see Contract to Serve Foreign Nationals in a Foreign Country under Policy Resources below).

Policy resources

Policy history

Action Description Revision Date
SBCTC resolution 15-06-30 Reporting international student enrollments 11/30/2015

The State Board recognizes that each community and technical college district shall offer thoroughly comprehensive educational training and service programs to meet the needs of both the communities and students served by offering continuing education courses of an educational, cultural, and recreational nature in additional to academic transfer, workforce training, and adult basic education.

Continuing education course offerings include short-term non-credit certificate programs, professional development and personal interest courses, programming for seniors and children, as well as corporate training. (see Continuing Education Policy under "Policy Resources" below).

Policy resources

Policy history

Action Description Revision Date
Executive Director approval Continuing Education policy updated 02/25/2024
Instruction Commission approval Continuing Education policy adopted 05/2017