
Pillar Work Session Information

Pre-scheduled throughout the month, each ctcLink Pillar team holds topic-specific work sessions during which we share important updates and present specific content. This is also a forum for our ctcLink users to share discoveries, issues, quirks, best practices, questions, business process options and whatever else might come up.

Work sessions are informal learning opportunities, not trainings

As a community, we support each other by gathering informally to share experiences and identify solutions. These informal sessions are learning opportunities, but not structured trainings!

Intended to support the ctcLink community, work session attendees develop collective knowledge by sharing information and approaches which may be based on local business practices and unique college policies.

All are invited and participation is encouraged!

If you have made a discovery or have developed an area of expertise, present at a pillar work session to share with your colleagues.

To share your expertise at a work session, email your pillar's email address:

Work Session Archives

Attendees who registered may view previously recorded ctcLink Work Session Information on Canvas after they sign in to Canvas and complete the user agreement to display Work Session information by pillar area and then topic.

Register for course(s) at the ctcLink Training Registration page or view this short video about registering for ctcLink work sessions.

Work Session Schedules

To access other pillar area work session activities, select the “Clear” hyperlink in the upper left corner of the calendar results window. Then, using the checkboxes in the right-hand calendar filter checkboxes, select the pillar specific area you wish to view.