In February 2017, the Washington Association for Community and Technical Colleges Technology Committee (WACTC-Tech) began the process of reorganizing ctcLink Project governance and oversight. 

A new structure was implemented in late April 2018 as WACTC-Tech handed off its previous role to the ctcLink Executive Leadership Team (cELC). WACTC-Tech worked with SBCTC and ctcLink project leadership to get the new governance groups up and running.

As of May 9, 2022, all colleges are live on ctcLink and the implementation-phase governing bodies disbanded. The ctcLink Project Working Group membership was re-formed as the ctcLink Working Group and is one part of the new ctcLink operational governance model.

ctcLink Project Charter

The ctcLink Project Charter was revised October 2018 and outlines the project objectives, benefits, guiding principles and overall scope of the project. It also reflects the updated project methodology, approach, governance model, schedule, budget and staffing plan, as part of the re-planning and project restart efforts that began in late 2017 under the guidance of a new project director.

This Charter details the revised governance and decision-making structure and formally empowers the ctcLink Project Director to restart/continue the project. It gives the Project Director full authority to execute the project activities and oversee all aspects of the project including budget, staffing, schedule and deliverables, as well as managing the project to scope.

How the committees interact

A simplified chart shows communication and workflow between the ctcLink Project Governance committees and stakeholder groups.

ctcLink Governance Framework