ctcLink Project Steering Committee
Historical Information
The ctcLink Project Steering Committee disbanded in June 2022 after all colleges were deployed in ctcLink. The final ctcLink Project Steering Committee meeting was held June 14, 2022.
ctcLink Project Steering Committee roles, responsibilities and authority were established in the charter approved by the Washington Association for Community and Technical Colleges Technology Committee (WACTC-Tech) in October 2017.
Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
Charter Summary
ctcLink Project Steering Committee Charter (rev June 2019)
- Schedule Changes within Deployment Schedule
- Decisions on Scope within Budget
- Decisions on Changes to Global Configurations
- Working Group Appeals
- Project budget for the current fiscal year
- Schedules for implementation and deployment
- Scope and function of PeopleSoft modules
Chair position is filled by an executive sponsor on a rotating basis.
Voting members (nine total)
- Six college executive sponsors
- Three SBCTC deputy executive directors
Non-voting members (five total)
- ctcLink Project Director
- External Quality Assurance Representative
- OCIO Representative
- College Project Managers (two)
The ctcLink Executive Leadership Committee makes decisions based on recommendations from the ctcLink Steering Committee that impact the total ctcLink project budget, impact the total project schedule, or alter the global scope of the project. Decisions by the ctcLink Executive Leadership Committee are final.
This includes, but is not limited to decisions such as:
- Changes to the ctcLink budget(s) beyond current fiscal year, but remaining within
the overall approved budget
- Changes impacting the Innovation account must be approved by the state OFM
- Changes to the deployment structure that will change the overall project schedule
- Changes to the project that will affect the overall scope of the project
- Appeals of ctcLink Steering Committee decisions regarding scope, configuration, etc.
- Enterprise decisions which may require local college policy changes.