ctcLink College Collaboration Group
ctcLink College Collaboration Group
The College Collaboration Group held its first meeting on Aug. 1, 2022. Meetings are held the second and fourth Wednesday of each month unless otherwise noted.
To collaborate across the college system to:
- Ensure all colleges have ownership and a voice in decision-making related to ctcLink.
- Align business processes and coordinate/disseminate good practices to optimize system usage.
- Prioritize requests for ctcLink system changes to make efficient use of technology investments.
Membership & Meetings
The ctcLink College Collaboration Group consists of the primary ctcLink Leader from each college, as well as business analysts or similar representatives. The ctcLink College Collaboration Group will contribute a collective voice to the governance process. The group will meet on a regular basis and provide regular updates to the Strategic Technology Advisory Committee (STAC).
Members of this group will:
- Partner with SBCTC IT Support and Project Management Office
- Raise issues for holistic resolution by the SBCTC
- Engage in business process review and alignment efforts
- Facilitate process alignment workshops as needed
- Serve on ad hoc taskforces as needed
ctcLink College Leaders
Each college is required to designate a ctcLink college leader to serve as its primary point of contact for ctcLink. Position titles may vary by campus (e.g. Pillar Lead, ctcLink Lead, ctcLink Director, ctcLink Coordinator).
Each ctcLink Leader will:
- Serve as primary point of contact with SBCTC for all ctcLink matters
- Provide cross-pillar and system-wide perspective
- Coordinate all local efforts related to ctcLink including distribution of communications
- Actively engage with and participate in the ctcLink College Collaboration Group
In addition, members of the ctcLink College Collaboration Group may be called upon to:
- Attend Commission/Council meetings related to their functional areas
- Serve on the ctcLink Working Group