ctcLink Working Group
The ctcLink Project Working Group completed its official role in the ctcLink implementation phase as of May 25, 2022.
As part of ongoing ctcLink operational governance the body has re-formed as the ctcLink Working Group with a new charter and members.
Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
The Working Group provides guidance and support throughout the life of the PeopleSoft software utilization, to enable decisions on the support and enhancement of the ctcLink system and to maximize the overall business value of the ctcLink environment while ensuring the reliability and maintainability of system functions.
ctcLink Working Group roles, responsibilities and authority were established in the ctcLink Working Group Charter (revised Feb. 6, 2023).
Not seeing the latest charter dated Feb. 6, 2023? Refresh your screen or clear your browser data (cached images and files).
The charter was approved by the Washington Association for Community and Technical Colleges Technology Committee (WACTC-Tech) in April 2022.
- Approve reasonable timeline adjustments if higher priority (mandated/system critical) initiatives are deemed necessary to release in advance of an approved initiative, with obligation to notify the Strategic Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) of changes and reasoning.
- Address appeals to Working Group decisions.
The Working Group is responsible for:
- Decisions regarding enhancement requests, global business process adoption and issue resolutions that impact multiple pillars, any business function within a pillar, and/or any external integrations with PeopleSoft.
- Decisions on proposed release schedules that do not impact any approved budget or
overall timeline:
- Oracle PUM Release Schedule(s)
- Oracle New Functionality Adoption Releases
- Major and/or Minor Project/Initiative Releases (including prioritization)
- State/Federal Mandate Solution Design and Release Review (FYI)
- Major Enhancement Request Releases (including external integrations)
- Rollout of Global Business Process changes
How are changes to ctcLink requested with the Enhancement Request process?
The ctcLink Work Priorities & Governance Policy outlines how changes to ctcLink PeopleSoft in production are prioritized by SBCTC IT and ctcLink Support, as well as links to Enhancement Request forms.
The ctcLink Working Group will escalate to the Strategic Technology Advisory Committee (STAC):
- Enhancement requests that require additional resources such as software acquisition costs, vendor integration, ongoing support costs, contract resources, etc.
- Decisions determined to be unresolvable by the Working Group
- Appeals of Working Group decisions, per the Appeals section of this charter.
See current ctcLink Working Group member list
College Voting Members
College Voting Members (9) representing the broad spectrum of ctcLink expertise in the following functional areas and a variety of college types:
- College ctcLink Leads (Two College point of contacts)
- Campus Solutions (Financial Aid, Student Financials, CS Core (Admissions/Enrollment, Instruction, Continuing Education, Academic Planning))
- Human Capital Management (Human Resources, Payroll/Benefits)
- Finance
- Information Technology, ctcLink Security
- Accessibility
- Reporting and Data
SBCTC Voting Members
State Board Voting Members (6) representing areas listed below:
- Customer Support Organization
- PMO Representation
- Application Services
- Data Services
- Business Operations
- Education Services
Ex-officio non-voting members
Ad hoc members may be invited to participate based on agenda and needs.
Meetings are held the first and third Wednesday of each month unless otherwise noted.