SBCTC Strategic Plan Accountability
Accountability Metrics
Our strategic plan establishes aspirational goals, metrics and targets through the year 2030. To track our progress, we will regularly examine the following metrics.
These metrics are based upon recommendations to the Workforce Education Investment Oversight Board. They are also consistent with those used for the college system’s Guided Pathways program and in the college system’s performance funding system, the Student Achievement Initiative.
All metrics can be disaggregated by student demographics including race and income.
Access refers to the number of students enrolled in community and technical colleges. To view enrollment data, visit our enrollment data dashboard.
Intermediate outcomes and completions by cohort
Intermediate outcomes are shorter-term metrics nationally known to propel students toward program completion, such as completion of college-level English and college-level math in the first year of college and retention.
For each of the three cohorts, we track three distinct cohorts of students who start college fall quarter.
- First-time ever in college: the student has never enrolled in college before
- First-time ever at institution: the student has never enrolled at the given institution before, but may have some previous college experience
- Running Start: the student is in the Running Start program for the first time
Metrics for cohorts
We track the following metrics, each of which can be disaggregated by college, race/ethnicity, gender and low-income status.
- Math Year 1 – Percentage of students earning college-level math credit within their first four (4) quarters after starting, including their college entry term. College-level math courses are identified by the following criteria: course CIP code begins with 27 or philosophy 117/120 (logic).
- English Year 1 – Percentage of students earning college-level English/communication credit within their first four (4) quarters after starting, including their college entry term. College-level English courses are identified by the following criteria: English 101 or equivalent.
- First to Second Term Retention – Percentage of first-time in fall students who enrolled in classes or completed a program in the winter quarter.
- Year to Year Retention – Percentage of first-time in fall students who enrolled in classes or completed a program in their second Fall quarter.
- Completion or Transfer Year 4 – Percentage of first-time students who completed a program OR transferred to a four-year college within four years after and including, their college entry term.