Our Goals

SBCTC's updated strategic plan calls upon our community and technical college system to achieve four goals, founded on our vision for educational equity.

  1. Increase access and retention among populations who can benefit the most from college. This includes young adults, working adults, low-income people, people of color, immigrants and refugees, individuals with disabilities, LGBTQ+ identifying individuals, rural residents, and single parents. We must be intentional in eliminating inequities in college access and retention for students institutionally marginalized in higher education.
  2. Improve completion and transfer rates for all enrolled students across all types of programs and credentials — workforce degrees, transfer degrees, certificates, apprenticeships, and bachelor’s degrees. We aim to improve completion rates across-the-board for all students and to improve completion rates faster for students of color. Students must also receive necessary guidance and support about how to efficiently transfer to continue their educational journeys.
  3. Provide flexible career-training options that are responsive to the needs of businesses and industries, offer Washingtonians access to well-paying jobs and career mobility, and lead to a more resilient and diverse workforce.
  4. Secure resources and develop systemwide strategies to support colleges’ financial sustainability and resiliency.

Our Objectives and Strategies

For a complete list of objectives and strategies, see the full version of the updated 2020-2030 Strategic Plan as adopted by the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges in June 2023.