News Listing
News Links | March 28, 2023
Centralia College East offers spring wildland fire certification course | YVC opens Grandview campus to showcase agriculture education and careers | Shoreline College website hacked; officials investigating | Cyber defense competition and job fair coming to CBC | Dr. John Mosby – kidney disease h...
Senate budgets released, committees hear College in the High School fee elimination, nursing education bills
Washington state will have almost $500 million less in its budget over the next two years, according to projections released Monday by the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council. The $483 million dip represents about 0.7% of the projection released in November.
Support Senate Bill 5702!
I am a student senator at Everett Community College, and one of our focuses for fall quarter was housing insecurity. For a variety of reasons, many students are at risk or have experienced housing insecurity. As a senator, I get to interact with the student body as their peer and be a voice for t...
News Links | March 21, 2023
Foster, homeless college students in WA could get more housing support | Peninsula College revamping its application, enrollment process | Lower Columbia College president column: Opportunity can’t wait when it comes to education | New chancellor announced for Community Colleges of Spokane | Big ...
Lessons from the legislative galleries
Tomorrow morning, I will have the honor of introducing my district representatives at an in-person town hall meeting on my college campus. While preparing for this opportunity, I cannot help but reflect on the last few weeks of the internship that got me here.
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John Doe
Director of Transfer Education
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Mary Smith
Special Assistant, Communications and Strategic Initiatives