News Listing
Legislature passes operating, capital budgets, adjourns 2024 session
The Legislature adjourned sine die Thursday afternoon after passing the 2024 supplemental operating budget earlier in the day and the supplemental capital budget on Wednesday. This week also saw final passage of the bill that extends eligibility for the Washington College Grant, College Bound Sch...
Operating budget, House capital budget proposals released
House and Senate budget writers released their versions of the operating budget over the weekend, holding hearings Monday. House capital budget writers also released their version of that budget early this week, following the Senate version released last week. That proposal was heard in committee...
Session passes halfway mark, opioid awareness, incarcerated student financial aid, competency-based education bills moving
Following Monday's fiscal committee cutoff deadline — when bills with a monetary impact needed to be approved by those committees to continue in the legislative process — this week was dominated by House and Senate floor action. Bills on opioid and fentanyl awareness, financial aid for incarcerat...
Credential registry, student support bills heard as week 2 concludes
Committee hearings ended their second week, with representatives and senators taking up bills on supporting incarcerated veteran, creating an online credential registry and expanding Washington College Grant eligibility.
Legislature adjourns after passing operating, capital budgets
The Legislature adjourned sine die Sunday just after 10 p.m., passing the capital budget on Saturday and the operating budget on Sunday. The Senate also spent time Saturday and Sunday voting to confirm trustees to college boards of trustees and to the State Board.
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John Doe
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Mary Smith
Special Assistant, Communications and Strategic Initiatives