Applied Baccalaureate Degree Research Reports
Research and policy perspectives about applied baccalaureate (BAS) degree attainment.
For an alternative format of this information, please contact Summer Kenesson.
Summer Kenesson
Director, Policy Research
Attainment and Outcomes Research Reports
- Program growth and graduate employment outcomes of Washington's applied baccalaureate degree This study seeks to answer the following research questions: What is the pattern of program growth? What are the demographics of students and how have they changed over time? What are degree completion outcomes for students by program? What are the employment outcomes by program and do students return to the same industry following degree completion?
- The Effect on Earnings of the Applied Baccalaureate Degree (accepted for publication in Community College Review). This study evaluates the post-graduate earnings of students with an applied baccalaureate (AB) degree as compared to the earnings of students with the same associate degree but no baccalaureate degree. The research questions include: For those students who earn an AB degree, does it result in higher earnings than the associate degree? Does the earnings difference vary by field of study? Which student characteristics account for variation in earnings beyond the effect of the applied baccalaureate degree?
- Applied Baccalaureate: Policy and Outcomes Evaluation, Research Report 15-2, August 2015 This study is an evaluation of the community and technical college system's progress toward meeting specific policy goals.
- Post Program Earnings Differences Between The Associate in Applied Science and Applied
Baccalaureate Degrees, Research Report 15-3, August 2015
This is a companion report to "Applied Baccalaureate Degree: Policy and Outcomes Evaluation."