• Total headcount: 12,983
  • Total full-time equivalent (FTE): 5,994
  • Full-time: 36%
  • Part-time: 64%
  • Students of color: 77%

If the system’s operating budget request of $353 million is fully funded, Highline College will receive approximately $9.1 million in additional funding.

If the system’s request is fully funded, Highline College will receive approximately $11,174,000 for operation, maintenance, infrastructure, repairs and minor improvements of its existing facilities, $44,401,000 for design and construction of the Welcome Center for Student Success, and $45,124,000 for design and construction of the Academic Pathways and Technology Center.

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Highline College was founded in 1961 as King County’s first community college. Highline offers a vibrant and diverse learning environment with over 100 degrees and certificates, including seven applied bachelor’s degrees within eight degree pathways. With about 80% students of color and people representing more than 120 cultures, Highline is the state’s most diverse higher education institution.

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Meet Amelia Abello

Amelia Abello is a first-generation student from the small island of Pohnpei, Micronesia, and one of five children. When her oldest brother became ill and was unable to travel to the U.S. and attend Highline College, Amelia took his place. Highline challenged and supported Amelia as she earned her associate degree in community and public health. She is now working on her bachelor’s degree.

Legislative Priority: Protect Investments

On behalf of students like Amelia Abello, we urge the Legislature to avoid cutting higher education funding at a time when people and employers need it the most. With investments through the Workforce Education Investment Act, our college has moved forward with the Guided Pathways reform movement to increase completion rates, retained and hired more faculty to teach high-demand programs like nursing, and strengthened student advising and support services. Now is the time to maintain this positive momentum, not return to the devastating budget cuts of the past.

We are also asking the Legislature to make targeted investments in technology, worker training and retraining, and high-demand programs sought by students and employers.