I-BEST Applications
Washington state community and technical colleges that want to start a new I-BEST program submit applications online using the SBCTC online grant management system (OGMS). (I-BEST stands for Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training.)
I-BEST program application titles are 1A.3 - I-BEST Professional-Technical & I-BEST Expansion Application (appears in FY14) and 1B - I-BEST Academic Program Application (appears in FY12). If you do not have access to the applications, please contact your organization’s OGMS Security Contact.
- 1A.3 - I-BEST Professional-Technical & Expansion Application Guidelines
- 1B - I-BEST Academic Application Program Guidelines
Accurate course coding is crucial to the success of I-BEST and for colleges to receive the enhanced FTE funding that comes with I-BEST programming. In conjunction with program planning, please consult the I-BEST Coding Brief.
When submitting an I-BEST application, refer to the Workforce Education Professional-Technical Programs for approved program names and CIP codes.