I-BEST information for students


Washington state community and technical colleges that want to start a new I-BEST program submit applications online using the SBCTC online grant management system (OGMS). (I-BEST stands for Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training.)

I-BEST program application titles are 1A.3 - I-BEST Professional-Technical & I-BEST Expansion Application (appears in FY14) and 1B - I-BEST Academic Program Application (appears in FY12). If you do not have access to the applications, please contact your organization’s OGMS Security Contact.

Accurate course coding is crucial to the success of I-BEST and for colleges to receive the enhanced FTE funding that comes with I-BEST programming. In conjunction with program planning, please consult the I-BEST Coding Brief.

When submitting an I-BEST application, refer to the Workforce Education Professional-Technical Programs for approved program names and CIP codes.