Canvas Technology Fee

Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges (SBCTC) holds the contract with Canvas and bills the colleges according to the college FTE as reported in IPEDs.

Instruction Fee

The shared-course instruction fee is currently $55 per credit per enrollment. This fee passes directly from the college that enrolled the student to the college that hired the instructor, and it applies only to classes that have shared enrollments.

SBCTC Educational Technology will continue to use the established shared-course count day to calculate the instruction fee that enrolling colleges must pay to teaching colleges.

The instruction fee process works like this:

  • The enrolling college pays the hiring college $55 per credit per enrollment; the entire $55 per credit passes through to the teaching college.
  • For college-owned shared courses, SBCTC Educational Technology provides the teaching college a report with information on enrollments from other colleges, and the teaching college bills the enrolling college $55 per credit per enrollment. The only change here is that SBCTC Educational Technology does not stand in the middle of this process; the responsibility for collection of fees is on the teaching college. The transactions are between the teaching college and the enrolling colleges.
  • Billing for system-owned shared courses is a pass-through process; there is no need to invoice SBCTC Educational Technology; once billing is finalized SBCTC will either forward a refund or an invoice on what is owed.