The SBCTC office of Basic Education for Adults (BEdA) conducts on-site Program Review and Technical Assistance Visits on a regular basis. Program Review and Technical Assistance Visits ensure compliance with federal laws and rules and regulations to verify that adult education providers continuously improve program effectiveness. Compliance measures focus on local processes and procedures for administering standardized assessments, collecting and reporting quality enrollment and attendance data, and incorporating required program components and learning standards. Additionally, BEdA staff review a randomly selected group of student files and program specific information.

At these visits, providers demonstrate to BEdA staff evidence in the following ways:

  • Describing standard protocols and examining evidentiary documents (sample tool),
  • Interviewing the program dean/director and their designees,
  • Visiting classrooms (optional) or reviewing class documents,
  • Interviewing students (sample questionnaire),
  • Completing a Corrective Action Plan (if necessary).

As required by OCTAE, the BEdA office also conducts quarterly desk audits to review progress during the year. Findings from Program Review and Technical Assistance Visit or desk audits, may point to compliance issues. In these cases, the BEdA office will work with the providers to develop a Corrective Action Plan.

Since data quality plays such an important part in a provider’s ability to demonstrate performance, the BEdA office suggests programs conduct an annual self-audit.


Scott Toscano
Program Administrator, BEdA