ctcLink Accounting Manual | 10.30.50 ctcLink Projects
10.30.50 ctcLink Projects
The Project Costing Business Unit (PC Bus Unit or PCBU) chartfield is a 5-digit that equals the district business unit in the current configuration of ctcLink. The values in the chartfield are managed by the State Board.
The PCBU is originally entered in Project Costing during the Proposal/Grant/Contract setup process.
Transactions generated in Project Costing will include the PCBU. However, if the transaction is created in a different module or the general ledger and the transaction should be included in Project Costing, the PCBU must be entered.
When querying the Project Resource table the Project Costing Business Unit is simply labeled Business Unit. The general ledger Business Unit is labeled Business Unit GL.
The Project chartfield is a 10-digit that is auto-generated in the Project Costing module as part of the Proposal/Grant/Contract setup process. The value is created in increasing values across all Business Units (districts) in ctcLink.
Transactions generated in Project Costing will include the Project value. However, if the transaction is created in a different module or the general ledger and the transaction should be included in Project Costing, the Project value must be entered in the journal.
The Activity chartfield is a 5-alphanumeric value that is created by the college in Project Costing and is unique to the college. The Activity is associated with a budget element in the project.
Transactions generated in Project Costing will include the Activity value. However, if the transaction is created in a different module or the general ledger and the transaction should be included in Project Costing, the Activity value must be entered in the journal.
Campus Solutions – Student Financials Item Types do not include the Activity chartfield. Therefore all financial aid funded by a grant must use a separate project number. This allows the system to use the first activity available for the project.
The Analysis Type field is a 3-character value globally created and maintained by the State Board.
This field must be completed for each transaction created in in the General Ledger (values in other modules are determined by the set up table values).
Transactions that do not include a valid Analysis Type value will not be added to the Project Resource Table. This will impact project/grant expenditures, revenue and remaining balances.
The value in this field will determine if and how the transaction is used in Project Costing.
In the general ledger:
- Only lines with ‘GLE’ (GL Expense) in the Analysis Type will be cost collected by Project Costing.
- Revenue transactions should have an Analysis Type of ‘GLR’.
- All cash balancing and liabilities for example, should have an Analysis Type of ‘DNC’ (Do Not Collect).
For a complete list of Analysis Types follow this path: “Navigator > Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Project Costing > Transaction Options > Analysis Types”.
Additional information on uses and purposes of Analysis Types see the Analysis Types QRG in the ctcLink Reference Center.
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