06x Student Services – Funds 001, 08A, 11A, 17C, 24J, 148 and 149 Only

Student Services category includes expenses incurred for offices of admissions and the registrar and activities with the primary purpose of contributing to students’ emotional and physical well-being and intellectual, cultural, and social development outside the context of the formal instruction program.

It includes expenses for student activities, cultural events, student newspapers, intramural athletics, student organizations, intercollegiate athletics (if these programs are not operated as auxiliary enterprises), counseling and career guidance (excluding informal academic counseling by the faculty), student aid administration, and student health service (if not operated as an auxiliary enterprise).

061 Student Services

Includes expenses for organized administrative activities that provide assistance and support (excluding academic support) to the needs and interests of students.

Only administrative activities that support more than one subcategory of student activities and/or that provide central administrative services related to various student service activities are included.

Includes services provided for particular types of students (e.g. minority students, veterans, disabled students) including enrollment management.

Excluded from this category are activities of the chief administrative officer for student affairs, whose activities are institution wide and therefore should be classified as institutional support (081).

062 Social and Cultural Development

Includes expenses for organized activities that provide for students’ social and cultural development outside the formal academic program. Includes cultural events, student newspapers, intramural athletics, student organizations, etc.

Expenses for an intercollegiate athletics program are included here if the program is not operated as an auxiliary enterprise.

063 Counseling and Career Guidance

Includes expenses for formally organized placement, career guidance, and personal counseling services for students.

Includes vocational testing and counseling services and activities of the placement office. Includes GED testing.

Excludes formal academic counseling activities (043) and informal academic counseling provided by the faculty in relation to course assignments (011).

064 Financial Aid Administration

Includes expenses for activities that provide financial aid services and assistance to students.

Excludes grants to students.

065 Student Admissions

Includes expenses for activities related to the identification of prospective students, the promotion of attendance at the institution, and the processing of applications for admissions.

066 Student Records

Includes expenses for activities to maintain, handle, and update records for currently and previously enrolled students.

067 Student Health Services

Includes expenses for organized student health services that are not self-supporting; health services that are self-supporting are reported as auxiliary enterprises.

068 Student Services IT

Includes expenses for formally organized and/or separately budgeted student services information technology. If an institution does not separately account for information technology resources, the costs associated with student services will be applied to Administrative Information Technology (086).