This major class is used for recording local capital projects and assets as well and the related accumulated depreciation.

211 Capital Assets – Fund 997 Only

Class 211 is used for all asset entries recorded in Fund 997.

221 Capital Projects – Local Funds Only

Program 221 is used for all local capital projects.

251 Motor Pool – Fund 460 Only

Includes motor pool services and activities performed on a self-sustaining basis for other organizational units of the college. 

252 Parking – Fund 528 Only

Includes self-supporting parking services and activities, including maintenance of parking lots.

253 Computer Services – Fund 443 Only

Includes self-supporting data processing and information technologies services and activities (excluding computer technologies instructional programs). Costs are recharged to the programs and activities that use the services. 

254 Central Stores – Fund 440 Only

Only includes self-supporting central services activities. Costs are recharged to the departments and activities that use the services.

255 Print Shop – Fund 448 Only

Only includes self-supporting print shop services. Costs are recharged to the departments and activities that use the services.

256 Other Service Operations – Fund 450 Only

Only includes self-supporting services that do not fit into any activity or fund. Costs are recharged to the departments and activities that use the services.

These classes include activities that furnish a service to students, faculty or staff for a direct fee that is equal to or greater than the cost of the services. 

261 Bookstore – Fund 524

Includes only for bookstore operations when operated as an enterprise activity.

262 Food Services – Fund 569, 573

Includes only for food service operations when operated as an enterprise activity. This may include general service cafeterias/dining (Fund 569) or in conjunction with student residence halls (Fund 573).

263 Residence (Student Housing) – Fund 573

Includes only student residence halls activity when operated as an enterprise activity.

264 Student Activities – Fund 522

Includes activities and programs of the associated students of a college including cultural, entertainment, sports, student government, and club activities.

265 Other Auxiliary Enterprises – Fund 570

Includes activities other than those described above that furnish a service to students, faculty or staff for a direct fee that is equal to or greater than the cost of providing the service. 


These classes include scholarships, fellowships and grants-in-aid to students, faculty or staff, or student/employee loans. See below for determining which class to use with which fund.

271 Scholarships/Grants – Fund 846

This fund/class combination consists of gifts and grants for the support of fellowships and scholarships.

The income from endowment principal established to provide support for fellowship and scholarships is also deposited and accounted for in this fund.

272 Loans – Funds 849, 991-995

These fund/class combination consists of gifts, the proceeds of which are loaned to students in accordance with donors’ instructions.

Funds 991-995/271 are reserved for use with federal direct student loans. Only a few colleges still have these loans on their books.

The income from endowment principal established to support student loans is also deposited and accounted for in this fund.

273 State Work Study – Fund 850

Used to account for work-study program funds held for eligible enrolled students. Colleges should track federal, state, etc work study in separate departments.

275 Tuition and Fee Waivers – Fund 846

Historically, those colleges that tracked/recorded tuition and fee waivers used this Fund/Class combination.  However, ctcLink this Fund/Class combination is used only for recording waiver clearing or error activity.  Therefore, this a fund/class/global department is used in waiver item types in Student Financials.  Waivers (contra-revenue) accounts are recorded in the fund/class/department to which the original tuition and fees were charged.

279 Institutional Financial Aid – Fund 860

In accordance with RCW 28B.15.031 and .820 colleges must use 3.5% of operating fee collected to provide long-term loans, short-term loans, employment programs or grants to needy students.

These classes include funds that are pending transmittal to the appropriate program or ledger and/or are in custody of the institution but do not belong to it. Examples include registration deposits, student insurance, unidentified receipts or disbursements and the State Reimbursement (formerly known as vendor payment advance (VPA)) from the State Treasurer.

285 Clearing Accounts – Used only with Fund 790

This class is used for several clearing accounts combined with departments including: 

  • Travel Suspense (98389)
  • Payroll Vendor Clearing (98399)
  • Shared Leave (98439)
  • Employee Repayment (98449)
  • State Allocations (98479)
  • Bank Cash Reconciliation 98489
  • State Reimbursements (aka VPA) 98499

286 Fiduciary Activity – Used only with Fund 840

288 Innovation Fees – Used only with Fund 561, Appropriation Index Z61

The combination 561-Z61-288-ddddd must be used to record innovation fee revenue/receivables/cash/waivers (configured in Item Types in Student Financials). Payments (Liability/Expenditure/Cash) to the State Treasurer should be recorded in 790-285-98499 throughout the year.

In Period 133 (post-AFRS), the expenditures/cash equal to cash record in 561-Z61-288-ddddd should be transferred from 790-285-98499 to 561-Z61-288-ddddd.

289 Building Fees Used only with Fund 060, Appropriation Index Z60

The combination 060-Z60-289-ddddd should be used to record building fee revenue/receivables/cash/waivers (configured in Item Types in Student Financials). Payments (Liability/Expenditure/Cash) to the State Treasurer should be recorded in 790-285-98499 throughout the year.

In Period 133 (post-AFRS), the expenditures/cash equal to cash record in 060-Z60-289-ddddd should be transferred from 790-285-98499 to 060-Z60-289-ddddd.

291 Endowments

This class includes funds received from donors and administered by the college with the restriction that the principal is not expendable. The funds may be classified as Permanent or Term Endowments. Permanent endowments are characterized by covenants requiring the principal to remain inviolate in perpetuity. Term Endowments specify a period of time over which the principal is inviolate.