College Website, Publications and Event Requirements: Equity, Health and Safety
This section of the College Website, Publication and Event Requirements covers issues related to equity, health and safety.
RCW 28B.10.295: Educational materials on abuses of, and illnesses consequent from, alcohol
"Some place of prominence within the premises of each campus." Materials must be at no cost to the state.
The boards of trustees of community colleges shall make available at some place of prominence with each campus educational materials on the abuse of alcohol PROVIDED that such materials are obtained at no cost to the state.
RCW 28B.10.918: Disability history month — Activities
Every October.
Not specified.
In 2008, the Washington State Legislature enacted Senate Bill 6313 Recognizing disability history in the public education system.
Each October, public schools, colleges, and universities must conduct and promote educational activities that provide instruction, awareness, and understanding of disability history and people with disabilities. The activities may include school assemblies or guest speakers.
Disability Rights Washington has additional information and resources
- RCW 28B.50.920: Diversity, equity, and inclusion—Strategic plans—Student-based organizations—Outreach programs—Model faculty diversity programs
- RCW 28B.50.925: Guided pathways—Implementation—Reports.
- RCW 28B.10.145 through 28B.10.151: Diversity, equity, inclusion, and antiracism
Websites, strategic plans, programs and reports
- Each community and technical college shall conspicuously post on its website and include in the strategic plans, programs, and reports definitions for key terms including: Diversity, equity, inclusion, culturally competent, culturally appropriate, historically marginalized communities, communities of color, low-income communities, and community organizations.
- Each community and technical college shall post on its website and include in the guided pathways program documentation and reports definitions for key terms including: Diversity, equity, inclusion, culturally competent, culturally appropriate, historically marginalized communities, communities of color, low-income communities, and community organizations.
- The content framework for [diversity, equity, inclusion, and antiracism faculty and staff] professional development must be posted on each institution's public website for parents and community members.
- Institutions of higher education must also publish annually on the institution's public website the results of either the campus climate assessment or listening and feedback sessions.
- The content framework for each [diversity, equity, inclusion, and antiracism student] program must be posted on each institution's public website for parents and community members.
Additional guidance
Complying With the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations
- Annual written notification to employees.
- To each student taking one or more classes for academic credit (excludes continuing education).
The manner of distribution is left up to the college.
The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act requires institutions of higher education to adopt and implement a drug prevention program (described below) to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by all students and employees on school premises or as part of any of its activities. Institutions of higher education shall provide written certification that it has adopted and implemented the drug prevention program.
Drug prevention program requirements
The Institution of Higher Education's (IHE) drug prevention program must, at a minimum, include the following:
- The annual distribution in writing to each employee, and to each student who is taking
one or more classes for any type of academic credit except for continuing education
units, regardless of the length of the student's program of study, of—
- Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on its property or as part of any of its activities;
- A description of the applicable legal sanctions under local, State, or Federal law for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol;
- A description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol;
- A description of any drug or alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation or re-entry programs that are available to employees or students; and
- A clear statement that the IHE will impose disciplinary sanctions on students and employees (consistent with local, State, and Federal law), and a description of those sanctions, up to and including expulsion or termination of employment and referral for prosecution, for violations of the standards of conduct required by paragraph (a) of this section. For the purpose of this section, a disciplinary sanction may include the completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program.
- A biennial review by the IHE of its program to—
- Determine its effectiveness and implement changes to the program if they are needed; and
- Ensure that the disciplinary sanctions described in paragraph (a)(5) of this section are consistently enforced.
RCW 28B.110.070: Distribution to students
Not specified
- Colleges shall distribute copies of the provisions of this chapter (28B.110 — gender equality in higher education) to all students.
- See also the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policies and Procedures section below for additional distribution requirements.
28B.10: Hazing–Various Provisions
- Beginning in fall 2022, IHEs must provide students with educational programming on hazing that includes information on hazing awareness, prevention, intervention, and the IHE’s policies prohibiting hazing. This programming can be provided either in person or electronically and must be part of the IHE’s new student orientation sessions. The program must also be posted on the IHE’s public website for the public, including parents, legal guardians, and volunteers to review.
- At least 45 calendar days before the start of each fall term and at least 10 days before the start of all other terms.
- Reports must be maintained as they are updated for five years.
Website in a prominent location clearly labeled and easily accessible from the college's website.
Beginning with the 2022-2023 academic year, colleges and universities shall maintain and publicly report actual findings of violations by any student organization, athletic team, or living group of the college's code of conduct of antihazing policies or state or federal laws relating to hazing or offenses related to alcohol, drugs, sexual assault, or physical assault.
The report shall include:
- Name of the student organization, athletic team, or living group
- Date the investigation was initiated
- Date on which the investigation ended with a finding that a violation occurred
- Description of the incident or incidents, including the date of the initial violation, and the violations, findings, and sanctions placed on the student organization, athletic team, or living group
- Details of the sanction or sanctions imposed, including the beginning and end dates of the sanction or sanctions
- Date the student organization, athletic team, or living group was charged with a violation
- RCW 28B.50.205: AIDS information — Community and technical colleges
- RCW 28C.04.600: AIDS information — Vocational schools
To all newly matriculated students.
Not specified
- The State Board for Community and Technical Colleges shall make information available to all newly matriculated students about HIV/AIDS. Curricula must be reviewed by the office on AIDS.
- Each publicly operated vocational school shall make information available regarding HIV/AIDS. The curricula and materials shall be reviewed for medical accuracy by the office on AIDS.
RCW 28B.10.575: Student housing — Liquor prohibited, areas — Complaints regarding liquor and illegal drug use — Policies, procedures, sanctions
To all students applying for college-owned housing.
Not specified.
Each public institution of higher education shall notify all students applying for college or university-owned student housing of the availability of housing in an area in which all liquor use is prohibited.
Green River College Campus Corner Apartment contract terms (page 4)
RCW 28B.50.930: Mental health counselor pilot program. (Expires January 1, 2026.)
Continuous for colleges participating in the Mental Health Counseling Pilot Program
Website and report
Colleges selected for the pilot program shall conspicuously post on their websites and include in the report to the legislature the definitions for key terms including: Diversity, equity, inclusion, culturally competent, culturally appropriate, historically marginalized communities, communities of color, low-income communities, and community organizations.
RCW 28B.110.030(8): Rules and guidelines
Not specified.
Each institution shall develop and distribute policies and procedures for handling complaints of sexual harassment and sexual violence. Institutional sexual violence policies should include, but are not limited to, information about the institution's Title IX compliance officer or other individuals at the institution responsible for handling sexual violence violations and potential criminal conduct. Institutions shall annually distribute these policies and procedures in writing or electronically to all students and employees.
Websites and class syllabi
College religious accommodation policies must be amended to eliminate the two days per academic year maximum. Policies must also be amended to make reasonable accommodations for students who expect to be absent or endure significant hardship during the observance of religious holidays. The student must give written notice of the specific dates the accommodation is needed within two weeks of the beginning of the course. The policy must be posted on the college’s website and referenced on all course or program syllabi.
- Part VI, Higher Education, Sec. 601 (6) Operating budget, Chapter 415, Laws of 2019
- Chapter 39, 2020 Laws
All newly issued ID cards and replacement cards for employees and students. Chapter 39, 2020 Laws allows for colleges to use its supply of issued cards until the supply is depleted but only until June 30, 2021.
Back of newly issued and replacement student and employee college-issued ID cards.
2019 Laws: Each institution of higher education must include the phone number of a campus, local, state, or national suicide, crisis, or counseling hotline on the back of newly issued student and faculty identification cards starting in fall quarter 2019, or as soon as is practicable to implement.
2020 Laws: Student and employee identification cards issued for the first time or as replacements must have contact information for:
- a national suicide prevention organization
- at least one campus, local, state or national organization specializing in suicide prevention, crisis intervention or counseling, if available