Public Information Officers Resource Manual
Resources for college marketing and public relations departments with toolkits to advertise to prospective students. This section is college access only.
Find details and deadlines for each of the State Board's annual publications that need college input.
Resources, references and compliance information for public information and communications officers at Washington state community and technical colleges.
Katie Rose
Special Assistant, Communications and Strategic Initiatives
This gives an overview of certain federal, state and college wide requirements. It is not all-inclusive and does not include college-specific requirements (e.g. those related to grants, program-specific accreditation). To ensure compliance with college-specific requirements, contact the lead for that program or service.
For a comprehensive list of requirements colleges must include in publications or its website, visit the College Website and Publication Requirements section.
- Emergency plans
- Crime statistics — Clery Act
- Campus safety and security (reports, legislation, training, organizations, resources)
- Campus closures (weather, emergency)
- Civil rights compliance visit guidance
- Model Code for Use of College Facilities for Expressive Activity
- Flag lowering and flag lowering notifications
- National Incident Management Systems (NIMS)
- Opportunity Pathways
- Transfer student rights and responsibilities
- Community and technical college outreach staff roster
Recruitment, outreach, and campus contacts for Check Out a College brochures. Send changes to Katie Rose. - Subscribe to Washington Council Forum eList
Open-forum for high school counselors and college/university admissions officers (sponsored by Washington Council for High School-College Relations). - Washington Council for High School-College Relations website
- Facebook page: College recruiters across Washington state
- Community and technical college Admissions & Financial Aid grid
- Generic community and technical college PowerPoint, Fall Counselor workshop
Before using, please review slide by slide and revise as needed. Intended audience was high school counselors; reference is made to the Resource Book. - Higher Education and Counselor Workshop book 2022-23
Descriptions, admission policies, directory, and profiles of two- and four-year public and private, non-profit higher education institutions in Washington. Profile pages were submitted by each college to Washington Council publications team, summer 2021.
- FERPA Directory Information guidelines for PIOs
- Sample photo/video release form — photography, images, testimonials