Federal Requirement: The Clery Act

All institutions receiving Title IV funds, whether or not they maintain any type of campus police or security department, are required to comply with the Clery Act.

Compliance with this act, now known as the "Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act or Clery Act", provides students and families, as higher education consumers, with the information they need to make informed decisions.

Clery Act Summary

  • Institutions must publish an annual report disclosing campus security policies and three years worth of selected crime statistics.
  • Institutions must make timely warnings to the campus community about crimes that pose an ongoing threat to students and employees.
  • Each institution with a police or security department must have a public crime log.
  • The U.S. Department of Education centrally collects and disseminates the crime statistics.
  • Campus community sexual assault victims are assured of certain basic rights.
  • Institutions that fail to comply may be fined or lose eligibility to participate in federal student aid programs.


Complying With the Jeanne Clery Act

Samples of College Compliance and Policy Language

Requirements and language are set forth in the federally mandated Clery Act. If your college seeks policy language for its Board of Trustees to adopt, adapt another college’s statement. Some examples: