Don't forget! Colleges have other deadlines and requirements throughout the year required for accreditation and by state and federal law. Find them in the PIO Resource Manual.

Every year, the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges' Communications Department publishes documents that support system legislative and education efforts.

Information from colleges is vital to these publications. Thank you for your help and support!

Below is a list of annual publications and their approximate deadlines. We will send instructions specific to each publication four to six weeks in advance of the deadline.

Other State Board departments request information from their counterparts (e.g. Association of College Trustees' annual Transforming Lives award nominations). PIOs have varying levels of involvement in those projects. We will do our best to keep PIOs informed of those requests.

Publication name What's requested Approximate deadline

Fall Counselor Workshop Higher Ed Book


The Higher Ed book is compiled at the request of The Washington Council in support of the annual Fall Counselor Workshops. The book contains information on community and technical college as well as information on the state's public and private four-year universities.

Each college completes a one- to two-page UW-created template which includes:

  • student profile data
  • admission requirements and criteria
  • dual credit options
  • estimated annual expenses
  • financial aid
  • housing
  • campus visits
  • sports and recreation
Late May
Budget book (even years only)

Created at the request of WACTC, this book gives presidents and trustees to have college-specific operating and capital budget proposals in hand as they meet with legislators, editorial boards and other stakeholders.

Each college has its own page with the following:

  • A campus beauty shot photo (198 pixels wide x 126 pixels high at 300 dpi)
  • An overview of your college (approximately 55 words)
  • Three one to two sentence points of interest. These can mirror your three paragraphs submitted for the Field Guide.
  • A paragraph (75 to 100 words) on how past budget state budget allocations have affected programs and services or resulted in lost opportunities. You can also get into how state investment in community and technical colleges will help your college.
Late October
Field Guide

The Field Guide is used throughout the year by presidents, chancellors, trustees, college and SBCTC staff, and others when they meet with federal and state legislators, decision makers and opinion leaders in support of the college system.

Each college has its own page in this book. Information needed:

  • any change to president from previous year
  • any changes to trustees from previous year
  • list of highest enrolled programs
  • three points of interest, one of which should be about job creation (288 word maximum, not including headlines)
Late October