Human Resource Management Commission (HRMC) Bylaws
The Human Resources Management Commission (HRMC) was established to ensure Washington state community and technical college human resource professionals get up-to-date and accurate information.
Meetings are usually held quarterly at various campus locations. Interactive television service is provided in lieu of attendance at some meetings.
The Washington State Community and Technical Colleges Human Resources Management Commission is established to develop better human resources services within the community and technical colleges of the State. The Human Resources Management Commission is directly responsible to the Washington Association of Community and Technical College Presidents (WACTC) through a liaison appointed by the president of WACTC. The liaison serves as the primary communication link between the Commission and WACTC.
Article I: Purposes
The purpose of the Commission shall be:
- To provide leadership in the improvement and development of effective and properly administered programs of human resource management in the community and technical colleges in the State of Washington.
- To propose goals, develop and implement programs and procedures which are established by a consensus of the membership, assigned by WACTC, or occur as a result of legislative action
- To serve as an effective state-wide communication medium for information related to human resources.
- To support research services for WACTC.
- To advise and make recommendations for WACTC on human resources issues.
- To work with appropriate agencies and organizations to develop and promote an understanding of human resources management.
- To provide mutual exchange of information and ideas for the purpose of increasing the effectiveness of human resource management.
- To provide opportunities for professional development of human resource skills.
- To promote and enhance affirmative action/equal opportunity programs.
Article II: Organizational Structure
Section 1. Membership
- Voting members of the Commission shall be the chief human resources management officer, or designee, from each community and technical college district in the system.
- Ex officio members shall be the Human Resources Director of the SBCTC, the Human Resources Representative of the SBCTC, the liaison from WACTC, the liaison(s) from other commissions, and other human resources professionals in the system, including affirmative action and training officers.
Section 2. Officers and Representatives
- Officers: Officers of the Commission shall be the Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary, and three members-at-large. A term of office shall be one year with the exception of ITPG representative who shall serve two years.
- Responsibilities:
- The Chair shall be the presiding officer of the Commission, an ex officio member of all committees, and representative to WACTC. The commission shall reimburse the chair for expenses associated with attendance at WACTC meetings.
- The Chair-Elect shall assume the duties and powers of the Chair in the absence of that officer.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for the records and correspondence of the Commission, and shall distribute minutes and related information within ten (10) days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.
- The Treasurer shall be the Human Resources Representative of the SBCTC, and is not an elected position. The Treasurer shall establish and maintain financial records and report at regular meetings, and shall provide for the payment of all authorized Commission expenses.
- The members-at-large shall perform duties assigned by the Chair; they shall represent the HRMC at ITPG, BAC, and Association meetings.
- Election of Officers: A full slate of officers will be presented by the nominating committee. Election of officers shall be the last order of business at the spring quarter meeting. Election of office will be by a simple majority of the members present.
- Ex Officio Officer: The Treasurer, who shall be the Human Resources Representative of the SBCTC, shall be an ex officio officer of the Commission.
Article III: Committees
Section 1. Executive Board
The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers of the Commission. The past Chair and Treasurer of the Commission shall be non-voting members of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall prepare the agenda for all meetings.
Section 2: Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee will be comprised of the Chair, Chair-Elect, and one member appointed by the Executive Board. The nominating committee shall be responsible for presenting a complete slate of officers at the regular spring meeting.
Section 3. Other Committees
The Chair shall have the authority to appoint other committees as needed. Members of such committees may include persons other than Commission members.
Article IV. Meetings
Section 1. Schedule
There shall normally be one regular meeting per quarter; other regular or special meetings may be called by the Chair.
Section 2. Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the authority on questions of parliamentary rule.
Section 3. Voting
Each official member shall have one vote.
Section 4. Quorum
A voting quorum shall consist of a majority of the official members.
Section 5. Reports
Committees and liaisons shall report at each regular meeting.
Article V. Archives
The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining Commission archives.
Article VI. Amendments
Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the official members in attendance, provided the proposed amendment has been submitted to members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.