
The Admissions and Registration Council (ARC) is established to provide quality services to the public, students, faculty, and administration by its member institutions. The council reports to the Washington State Student Services Commission (WSSSC).

Article I – Name

Section 1

The name of this Council will be the Admissions and Registration Council and will be referred to as ARC.

Article II – Purpose

Section 1

The purpose of the Council will be to:

  1. Receive, discuss, and disseminate information regarding common issues through meetings and other means.
  2. Provide system recommendations to SBCTC-IT.
  3. Make formal and/or informal system recommendation to the State Board for Community & Technical Colleges (SBCTC).
  4. Provide professional development opportunities.

Article III – Membership

Section 1

There will be two (2) types of Council membership:

  1. Institutional members - These representatives are from admission, registration and records departments of the 2-year post-secondary public colleges governed by SBCTC. They may seek and hold executive positions in ARC.
  2. Advisory members of the Council may not vote or hold office, but may consist of:
    1. One representative from the Washington State Student Services Commission.
    2. Representatives from the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, to include (but not limited to):
      1. Policy Associate, Student Services
      2. Policy Associate, Enrollment Policy/Reporting
      3. SMS Support Consultant
      4. ctcLink Student/Academic Project Lead

Article IV – Officers and Duties

Section 1

The officers of the Council will be a President, Past-president, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian (who will act as Parliamentarian).  This group is the Executive Committee.

Section 2

The President-elect will be elected at the spring meeting each year and will take office immediately following that meeting.  The Treasurer and Secretary will be elected every other year, each on opposite years, and will serve a two-year term.  The Historian will be appointed by the President.  A Hospitality Officer may be appointed and serve at the discretion of the President.  Unexpired terms will be filled through appointment by the Executive Committee.

Section 3

Duties of the officers will be those customarily performed by such officers.  The Executive Committee will identify specific duties and have them available to members.

Article V – Committees

Section 1

Business requiring committee consideration will be conducted by ad hoc committees appointed by the President.  It is desirable, whenever possible, that committees be comprised of an approximately equal membership, taking into consideration variances in institutional enrollment, needs, geography location, and institutional type.

Contingent upon available funds, the President or designee will serve as ARC representative at the AACRAO and PACRAO annual meeting. ARC may share costs with the designee’s institution.

Section 2

Representatives to other constituencies (i.e., ICRC, etc) will be made each year following the spring meeting by the President as recommended by the Executive Committee.  Members are encouraged to submit names to the Executive Committee for consideration.

Section 3

All committee meetings are open to all institutional and advisory members.

Article VI – Voting

Section 1

Each member institution will have one (1) vote.

Section 2

All decisions will be resolved by a simple majority.

Section 3

A written voting proxy may be submitted prior to any meeting.

Article VII – Quorum

Section 1

A voting quorum will consist of a simple majority of the member institutions.

Article VIII – Amendments

Section 1

By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the member institutions at any meeting provided the proposed amendment has been submitted to the members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

Article IX – Meetings

Section 1

There may be three (3) regular meetings per year and special meetings as deemed necessary by the President and membership.

Article X – Distribution List

Section 1

Agendas and minutes of all regular meetings will be distributed as follows:

  1. ARC web page
  2. Registrar (ARC) LISTSERV

Article XI – Parliamentary Authority

Section 1

Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, will be the authority on any question of parliamentary procedure.

Last revision: May 5, 2016
Approved at Spring 2016 ARC Meeting