College Spark Early Progress Metrics Dashboard
College Spark Early Progress Metrics
The Early Progress Metrics dashboard was designed to assist colleges who are in the College Spark funded cohorts with reporting and assessment of their guided pathways implementation. The metrics assess whether the guided pathways essential practices are being implemented at scale by examining the impact the practices are having on early measures of student success, and help to identify strengths and opportunities in planning for retreats and coaching.
The students represented in the dashboard include 3 distinct cohort groups: First-Time Ever in College, First-Time Ever at Institution, and Running Start. The cohorts represent a subset of students in the system at the first (entry) quarter where they are enrolled in an award-seeking program or dual enrollment. The cohort selection All Students combines the three cohort groups into one cohort reflecting all students in the data set. First-Time Ever in College: the student has never enrolled in college before. First-Time Ever at Institution: the student has never enrolled at the given institution before, but may have some previous college experience. Running Start: the student is in the Running Start program for the first time. Additional information about cohort selection and the metrics criteria is available in the data dictionary linked in the menu below.
This dashboard includes student outcomes as well as information about college’s program mapping to meta-majors within the essential practices framework of guided pathways. The metrics can be disaggregated by college, race/ethnicity, gender, and low-income status. Note: meta-major information is only available for colleges using the legacy student information system who mapped education program codes (EPC) to the global selection of meta-major codes.
For an alternative version of this information, please contact Sue Jameson. For policy questions, please contact Thomas Mankovich:
Thomas Mankovich
Policy Research Analyst
College Spark Early Progress Metrics dashboard
Download tip: If the crosstab option is grayed out, click any cell in the dashboard to enable it.