OLYMPIA, Wash. — Members of the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges  at its regular board meeting Thursday, Dec. 5 are slated to vote on an increase to the college system’s 2025-26 tuition and fee schedule, in line with the state’s College Affordability Program which ties increases to median wage inflation. If the increase is approved, Washington residents enrolled full time in lower division classes can expect to pay $1,645 per quarter, an increase of $54.35.

Board members are also expected to vote on requesting from the Washington state Legislature an additional $1.2 million for emergency reserve funds for emergency facility and infrastructure repairs. The college system’s 2023-25 capital budget appropriation included $2 million for that purpose, which was spent in the first half of the biennium, leaving a current backlog of about $760,000. If funded, the remaining balance would be available for future emergency repairs.

Also on the agenda is a preview of the 2025 legislative session, including the college system’s operating and capital budget priorities and policy proposals to expand College Bound scholarship eligibility, a high school completion tuition waiver and a tribal elder tuition waiver.

The business meeting will be held on Zoom and will be streamed live on TVW. The agenda and background materials are posted on the State Board website.  The meeting is open to the public.