OLYMPIA, Wash. — The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges at its Aug. 29 business meeting is set to approve the college system's 2025-27 operating budget request to the Washington state Legislature. Included in the request is:

  • Competitive compensation for all employees to help recruit and retain faculty and staff.
  • Increase general purpose funding to help colleges meet student and college needs.
  • Expand Job Skills Program capacity so employers and colleges can work together to train workers.

Prior to the business meeting, the board will hold its annual retreat Wednesday, Aug. 28 and the morning of Aug. 29. On the agenda are roundtable discussions on preparing for the 2025 legislative session, cultivating a college-going culture and preparing for demographic changes, and advancing progress toward the State Board's 2020-30 Strategic Plan goals and measures. Board members are also scheduled to conduct the executive director's annual performance review during an executive session.

The retreat will be held at Suncadia, 3600 Suncadia Trail in Cle Elum. The meeting agenda and background materials are posted on the State Board website. Both meetings, with the exception of the executive session, are open to the public.