System News | Opinion
Green River College celebrates legacy of Rich Rutkowski
A renaissance man of seemingly infinite interests, a skilled photographer, a master
of craps strategy, an avid fisherman, a friend, a colleague, and a man of vision whose
tremendous skill at raising revenue helped reshape the campus of what is today Green River College.
Auburn Reporter, March 15, 2023
Eight South Puget Sound Community College faculty awarded tenure
South Puget Sound Community College (SPSCC) and the Board of Trustees awarded tenure to eight faculty members at the Board of
Trustees meeting on March 14, 2023. Congratulations to the eight faculty members on
their accomplishments and dedication to SPSCC students and the community.
Thurston Talk, March 15, 2023
PC, United Way to offer online inclusion course
... “I’m really proud that the college can be a leader not only in DEI conversations
on campus but in the broader community as well, enabling us to effect greater change
across the region,” Peninsula College president Suzy Ames said.
Sequim Gazette, March 14, 2023
Trends | Horizons | Education
Community colleges to get more Head Start centers
The Association of Community College Trustees and the National Head Start Association
are partnering to bring more Head Start centers to community college campuses. Fewer
than 100 of the more than 1,400 community and technical colleges in the country have
Head Start centers on campus.
Inside Higher Ed, March 16, 2023
A snapshot of resilience and excellence
A new American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) report summarizes the challenges
that community colleges faced during the Covid pandemic as well as their responses.
It covers a broad area, including enrollment declines, the equity agenda, pandemic
excellence and partnerships, and the changing landscape and emerging competition.
Community College Daily, March 15, 2023
How to debunk dangerous college myths
... Community colleges provide an affordable option; nearly half of all college students
in the U.S. attend them. ... Despite the data, community colleges suffer from low
prestige. Some people may equate exclusivity and cost with quality, believing that
if something is expensive and hard to get, it must be better.
Diverse Education, March 15, 2023
Politics | Local, State, National
Biden’s free college proposal is dead. High schoolers are tapping a solution.
There’s a two-for-one special that’s become a popular tactic for teens looking to
lower the cost of a college degree: dual enrollment programs. Community colleges saw
a 12 percent spike this academic year in these programs, which allow high school students
to take their classes and simultaneously apply the credits toward a diploma and an
associate degree.
Politico, March 11, 2023