System News | Opinion

Grays Harbor College offering “Take a Class on Us” program in Spring quarter

Spring quarter at Grays Harbor College begins on April 10, and students have an opportunity to take a class for free. The college is continuing their “Take a Class on Us” program that allows for students to take a class up to 5 credits for free, to a $1,000 value.
KXRO, March 8, 2023

Pierce College welcomes five candidates in search for two campus presidents

Pierce College is pleased to introduce the five candidates for the position of President. The College is planning to fill two positions – President, Pierce College Fort Steilacoom and President, Pierce College Puyallup. The candidates will visit the two campuses throughout the month of March and present an open forum at both the Puyallup and Fort Steilacoom campuses. 
Suburban Times, March 8, 2023

Spokane Chiefs sharpen their English before sharpening their skates

Players with the Spokane Chiefs have a new assignment: English 101. The Chiefs play at the Spokane Arena for 34 games a season, which doesn't really give them time for anything else. But thanks to a partnership with Spokane Community College (SCC), they're now able to get an education.
KREM 2, March 8, 2023

Kent Station scholarship to honor longtime Green River College president

The Kent Station shopping center will dedicate its annual Green River College Scholarship in 2023 in the name of longtime president Rich Rutkowski. Rutkowski, 79, died in October 2022. He was president of Green River College from 1983 to 2010 and was the driving force behind starting the school’s satellite campus at Kent Station in the early 2000s.
Kent Reporter, March 7, 2023

First cows born from embryo transfer in Walla Walla show students the result of the science

Some of the first calves born from embryo transfer at Walla Walla Community College are already up and running around the pasture. The calves are the first of their kind for the college and are from embryos taken out of one cow and placed in another surrogate to be born.  [Video]
NBC Right Now, March 6, 2023

Yakima Valley College looks for original local scripts for student festival

The Yakima Valley College Drama Department is asking students and community members to submit original short play scripts for the annual Festival of New Works. Plays will be performed by students during the festival as an opportunity to showcase local work. 
NBC Right Now, Feb. 23, 2023

Trends | Horizons | Education

Upward transfers down again

The rate of community college students transferring to four-year colleges this fall continued its pandemic-era decline, dropping -7.5% compared to fall 2021, according to a new report. In particular, students who earned an associate degree before transferring declined more than those without a prior associate degree ...
Community College Daily, March 9, 2023

Challenging 'bad' online policies and attitudes

... “A lot of people say the education system is broken in the United States,” Hansen said. “It’s not broken. It does exactly what it’s designed to do, which is create degree recipients. It’s our job to challenge that and say maybe there need to be alternatives.”
Inside Higher Ed, March 9, 2023

Jaded with education, more Americans are skipping college

When he looked to the future, Grayson Hart always saw a college degree. He was a good student at a good high school. He wanted to be an actor, or maybe a teacher. Growing up, he believed college was the only route to a good job, stability and a happy life. The pandemic changed his mind.
The Seattle Times, March 8, 2023

Politics | Local, State, National

Who’s afraid of Virginia Foxx?

Representative Virginia Foxx is planning to leverage the decline in public perception of higher education to usher in a new era of stronger accountability for the nation’s colleges and universities in her role as chairwoman of the House education committee.
Inside Higher Ed, March 9, 2023