System News | Opinion
Walla Walla Community College to expand welding program
Walla Walla Community College plans to expand its welding technology program during the next year thanks to a grant
of almost $25,000 from the American Welding Society Foundation.
Union-Bulletin, July 19, 2023
Discover Your Path Academy giving migrant students hands-on workforce experience this summer
Columbia Basin College is helping migrant students learn about career opportunities. Organizers from the
Discover Your Path academy say these events give high school students who come from
migrant families the opportunity to learn about ...
KEPR, July 18, 2023
Shrinking enrollments lead to rethinking of criminal justice programs
... Due to a combination of declining enrollment and new police training academies
in its immediate area, Community Colleges of Spokane (CCS) in Washington decided in June to end its criminal justice program entirely.
Community College Daily, July 18, 2023
Commentary: Value of higher education can be measured in many ways
As president of Walla Walla Community College, I look forward each spring to congratulating our graduates on a job well done. Recently,
I was delighted to shake hands with Victor Angel, a recent WWCC graduate I’ve come
to know for his work at the WWCC Welcome Center.
Columbian July 16, 2023
Clark College gets grant for surgical technician program
Clark College announced Thursday it received a $141,260 grant to develop a surgical technician
program — the first of its kind at Clark and believed to be the first in all of Southwest
Columbian, July 15, 2023
Higher Education and Politics
Assessing nondegree credential quality
The National Skills Coalition, a research and advocacy organization focused on workforce
training, has issued a new report detailing best practices for states to assess the
quality of nondegree credentials.
Inside Higher Ed, July 20, 2023
Completion gap widens for Latino students
Degree completion gaps between Latino and White, non-Hispanic students have increased
in the last four years as Latino graduation rates have barely budged ... The gap is
smaller at two-year institutions than at four-year institutions, but it grew between
2018 and 2021 from two to five percentage points, according to the report.
Community College Daily, July 19, 2023
Advocacy quick hits
... The House this week is taking up the Schools Not Shelters Act, a Republican-led
bill that would prevent colleges and universities (in addition to public elementary
and secondary schools) from using their facilities to provide emergency housing or
shelter for undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers.
Community College Daily, July 19, 2023