Earn College Credits in High School

Get a jump-start on college and save money by enrolling in a dual-credit program like Running Start. Dual-credit programs allow high school students to earn both high school and college credits in the same course, at the same time.

Running Start is a statewide partnership between colleges and local high schools. The program allows high school juniors and seniors to attend the college tuition-free and have the credits count for both high school and college credit. College credits are paid for by the high school, saving families money as students begin their college careers. 

  • Tuition free. Students pay for other related costs (books, class-based fees and transportation).
  • Located at the college.

Contact your local college Running Start coordinator to learn more.

All 34 community and technical colleges offer Running Start. Three public four-year universities also offer Running Start programs: Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University and Washington State University Tri-Cities.

CTE Dual Credit allows high school students to earn college credit in their high school career and technical education (CTE) classes without leaving their high school campus. CTE Dual Credit used to be called Tech Prep.

College in the High School (CiHS) programs provide college-level academic courses to 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade students. Courses are taught at the high school, by high school teachers, with college curriculum, college textbooks, and oversight by college faculty and staff. 

College in the High School (CiHS) programs are free for public school students. With the passage of Substitute Senate Bill (SSB) 5048, effective September 1, 2023, fees were eliminated for all public school students.

Contact your high school to find out which College in the High School classes are offered.

All Washington state community and technical colleges award credit for students who achieve certain scores on the Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or the Cambridge (CI) exams. 

  • Students pay exam fees.
  • Located at the high school.

Community and technical colleges have developed the following crosswalks for awarding credit:

Contact your local college admissions or advising office to learn more about AP, IB, and CI credits. Look for topics like: transfer in credits, records evaluation, credit review, transcript review, transferring in coursework.