The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges makes the following Sole Source Contract information available for public inspection.

Posting Date Prospective Contractor's Name Contract brief description Intended Period of Performance Projected Value SBCTC Contact Draft Contract
08/02/2022 Book Oven, Inc. (d.b.a. "Pressbooks") Open Textbooks Publishing Platform 09/01/2022-09/01/2023 $135,000

Abraham Rocha

SC 2022-23-064 Pressbooks

5/22/2023 Association of Washington Business Institute Incumbent Worker Training Business Liaison 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2024 $100,000

Abraham Rocha

FY24 AWB Contract Draft

5/22/2023 Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO Labor Liaison with Organized Labor and Colleges 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2024 $100,000

Abraham Rocha

FY24 WLSC Contract Draft